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Everything posted by Den3702

  1. Thank all of you so much for your replies and support. I must say this whole situation is giving me a new learning curve in Scouting! Last night's Den meeting was just shy of a lynch mob. I pulled the parents out of the room to let them rant without having the Bears distracted. I am lucky to have a wonderful Assistant Den Leader. I am trying to sort through all of the heresy and get down to the facts. The Pack roster copy I received is not from Council. It was sent to me from the Committee Chairperson. I emailed the CM to get his response to the allegations he did this AFTER Council alr
  2. I just received a copy of the new pack roster. This young lady's name is listed in the roster as a Webelos 1st year. I am not looking forward to my Den meeting with angry parents tonight. I am frustrated with what seems to be a total lack of respect by a select few. Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.....
  3. Girls have cooties.... BUT they're really pretty and nice cooties unlike those puppy dog's tail type cooties the BOYS have(This message has been edited by Den3702)
  4. Thank you both for your replies. I do agree with you that this situation is totally implausible. I never imagined I would have been having to deal with it myself. Unfortunately, I am fairly new to Scouting and not familiar with all the rules and regulations. My opinion was it states in the leader's handbook that Cub Scouts is for boys, end of discussion. However, we have a few of those who wish to buck the system. I had searched the www in hopes of finding another Pack that has had to deal with this and came upon your forum. I appreciate the opportunity to be allowed to post here and also your
  5. The DE, who does attend Committee Meetings every now and then, did state that it definetely would not be allowed in Boy Scouts but he wasn't sure of the policy in Cub Scouts for allowing young ladies to join. He was also getting the "evil eye" from those who were interested in letting her join. It appeared to me he didn't want to take a definitive stance without checking with Council. The discussion at that time was also getting rather heated, he may have been trying to let it cool off by deferring to Council approval. "Unless you are willling to move the pack and the young Lady to a c
  6. This has become an issue in the pack of which I am currently a Bears Den Leader in. I wish to ask all of you for your opinions, whether they be positive or negative. I am asking here so as to try and get opinions from those not directly involved. I have purposely not disclosed my position in this issue. The situation is as follows: At the monthly Pack Committee Meeting it was brought up for discussion that a girl was interested in joining the Pack. She would be of Webelos age and has brothers currently in Cub Scouting. Three Committee Members felt this would be a positive, albeit proact
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