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Posts posted by defend11

  1. I have a question regarding the definition of a term that is found in the latest Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities, the chart published by the BSA. Under the heading Camping on this chart is a subsection entitled Parent/Son Overnights. Compared to previous guidelines published by BSA, this is a new section. Viewing as a lawyer, I would assume that when something new is said, it's saying something different from what's already been said. Since all the other terms are still there, I wonder what new thing this parent/son overnights is. Is this now a formal recognition by BSA that a Tiger, Wolf or Bear cub scout can camp overnight with his parents, and that's a sanctioned BSA event? Previously, that could only be done as a pack or council-level event.

  2. Thanks for the responses. We leaders have a good relationship with our COR. I believe he would be sympathetic to our cause. We leaders have found the pack leadership (committe chair and cubmaster) less than supportive of our dens and activities. Worse yet, we helped raise alot of pack funds but we haven't a clear understanding where all the money has gone. We've asked for an accounting, but to no avail.


    As den leaders, we have organized a lot of fun and meaningful acitivities for our boys and our year to year retention rates and recruiting successes at the tiger cub level show this. Our retention rates are so good the local council wants us to mentor new scouting groups this year. We simply need pack leadership that is on the same page as the dens.

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