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Everything posted by dcastro

  1. WOW!!! What a great response. I will let him know that he will need to talk with his local place of worship and his leader to find out what (if any) medal or award the Sikh religion offers that would qualify for his religious knot. I am just amazed that this has not been addressed by BSA and the Sihk organization earlier. But thanks again. You have given the answers I needed. Dax
  2. Can someone tell me where to find what religious knot award someone who is Sikh earns? Thanks Cubmaster Castro www.ourpack49.com
  3. This is a very common issue. As a Cubmaster I deal with this from every Den level. The idea is that you plan an event far enough in advance that all can make it. But... you are not obligated to keep rescheduling events for those who don't. You will find that those 5 chapters go fairly quickly and you will have time to visit additional places later in the year. Several Den Leaders last year approached me with this question and were frustrated they couldn't get more participation at their planned outtings. Eventually, when the boys that came ended up with their awards at Pack Meeting and th
  4. nevermind. I figured it out. Helps to read the instructions. Thanks is a big help. Dax
  5. I follow the instructions and the screen scrolls so fast I cannot see anything.
  6. Thanks yeah that is the Stearns Method. I think that is the one we will be going to. Now it is trying to figure out how many rounds to run. Thanks though. Dax
  7. Can you tell me if there is an easy way to figure out how many rounds for our derby would be appropriate using the Stearns Method. We will have approx. 36-40 cars and figure the event will run about 3 hrs. Thanks, Dax
  8. Wow! Well I am glad I took a look at the forum for racing methods. Your help in this would be great. Our setup: 1. Best Track 4 Lane Alum. Track 2. Newbold Daytona Finish line 3. Derby Master Software 4. We have 40 boys racing Please let me know what format would work best. Thanks Dax
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