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David L. Perkins

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Everything posted by David L. Perkins

  1. The next to newest Scout Handbook lists requirements for advancement in rank at each level. And, ofcourse, in order to achieve some of the requirements, you would have to have meet with the Troop at their meeting location on a number of occations within the time period stated for the rank specified. (As in Star Rank; take part in service projects - Troop promoted, or a position of responsibility - all listed - which would normally involve interaction with the Troop in meetings or campouts during the active four month period.) Or a Scoutmaster-assigned Leadership Project to help the Troop. E
  2. This is a new House Bill that was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. It calls for a vote to revoke the Federal Charter for the Boy Scouts of America. The reason is because "A policy of excluding homosexuals is contradictory to the Federal Government's support for diversity and tolerance and should not be condoned as patriotic, charitable, or educational" (which is the basis for their Federal Charter).
  3. Sorry to take so long. I believe I have seen it or something like it listed on the National Assocaition of United Methodist Scouters web page - www.NAUMS.org - anyway, you can find it inside the United Methodist Church web site listed under UMM (United Methodist Men). Look around there. I think you'll find it.
  4. I am the C.O.R. for our Troop and a member fo the church that sponsors it as well as an experienced Asst. Scoutmaster. I have been in this situation more times than I wish I had, but then again, like church, Scouting is for all of the boys, not just the good ones. I know the feeling you have about this boy. Lord William Baden Powell did too - so your in pretty good company. In the past, we (the Troop Committee and all of the Asst. Scoutmasters - usually 11 to 14 of us) have tried to keep these "problem boys" in the Troop almost at all costs. However, there does come a time when you MU
  5. Ofcourse, it all starts with the Troop's method of fund raising. At troop 620, we sell fertilizer once each year. 40 lb. bags. Each Scout is asked to sell 100 bags. This number times (x) our profit per bag equals (=) what it costs to support each scout per year. Camping, summer camp, re-registration, food, transportation, equipment maintenance, etc. If a Scout only sells say 50 bags, then his family or he needs to pay the Troop the balance of profit the other 50 bags would have provided. Ofcourse they (or he) have the rest of the year to pay that amount. If the family is financially ch
  6. The Boy Scouts of America always have a solution somewhere in our program for these type problems. First, you might try the "Buddy System". Team each of the problem Scouts with a good Scout during the Troop meeting. Team each of them to new buddies for each meeting until they learn the other Scouts better, giving them other friends in the Troop and learn to have fun "within" the program. Or, you could try talking to them in a conference setting, along with one of the Adult Leaders in attendance. (His presents is to insure there are no complaints from these Scouts about "what happen
  7. How about comments on really neat things you and your scouts have found in their summer camp experiences? ie:Our Troop went to Arkansas this year and found a really exciting OA tap-out experience. By discribing this entire event, not only would other Troops find out about that particular summer camp but also information OA mambers could take back to their "ailing" enclave. Or, how about pictures and discriptions of how to make really neat camp equipment - maybe something from the past that came from a really old Scout Book or Scout Magazine?
  8. Apathy is only a small part of today's attitudes towards any activity. We are fighting T.V., movies, VCRs, digital games, year round sports of all types, band, dancing, art class, martial arts, single parenthood, low financial capabilities, very low financial capabilities, unlimited financial capabilities but no personal time investment, parents who just dump their kid into whatever activity presents itself. Apathy? Yes as it applies to been there, done that!
  9. You might try asking someone to scan in an Adult application for you and save it as a .gif or .bmp or .tif file. Then you could load it into a word processor program, save it as a template, fill it out, print it, get it signed and mail two copies to the Council office! Good luck!
  10. I have been with Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts for over 14 years and have encountered this remark many times. My approach is perhaps over simplified but, I have found, effective. Our concern is with the boys who are interested in, active in, and enjoy Scouting - which for them is your Scouting program, the one offered by your Troop. I am not concerned with the boys in school who do not think Scouting is "cool" but with the ones who do. I encourage the boys in our Troop to talk to others (friends or not) who enjoy the same things our Scouts do regarding our Troop activities. Friendships ar
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