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Everything posted by CubScouterFather

  1. Ironically, war seldom occurs without religion. History is filled with accounts of gentle people being attacked and oppressed by the self-righteous. This was something Jesus combated over and over in the Gospels and pathetically it not only continues to this day but also often prevails in His name. I guess we cant have it both ways. Science must always be grounded in reason - although imagination and conjecture are helpful in the extension of its borders. And, religion is forever dependent on faith with reason acting as a stabilizing influence. There have always been, and always
  2. Rooster, Honestly, I never set out to do anything other than share my frustration of wanting to have my son participate in Scouting and finding out that the BSA actively prohibits my involvement. When I first pulled the flyer out of my sons backpack, a red flag went up to check current BSA policy so I didnt set myself up for confrontation by quickly volunteering my time which is such a weird oxymoron. From reading the BSAs policies, it didnt sound like a problem but, when I started reading the current buzz from BSAs members online, I realized that was not the case. I also noticed tha
  3. I am beginning to understand why so many of you chose to contact me privately I also understand your warnings of being attacked on this list but I know better than to judge a whole organization by the actions of a few. I was taught that prejudice and discrimination were bad at a very early age. You cant judge a book by its cover was something my parents insisted upon. My comments about research had to do with challenging discrimination and prejudice caused by misinformation. The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality works to draw in the weak and abused
  4. Rooster, I'm glad you posted this little ditty. It's a prime example of dishonor and disgrace. It is a manipulitive game to take the obvious and twist it to look officially revealing. Anyone reading this report owes it to themselves to know what they are looking at. Find out how they took their sampling and what were their objectives. You may subscribe to thought that the American Psychatric Association and/or the American Medical Association and others have conspired to clear homosexuality but in fact, the research accepted by these organizations has to meet thorough criteria t
  5. Just a few clarifications: 1.) I did register my eldest son for Cub Scouts in hope that the commitment would prompt a leader to step forward. The frustrations I vented were my feelings and not accusations just frustration. Any smack of official activism on my part comes from being upset in the presence of injustice and maintaining my commitment to contribute intelligently to a resolution instead of making pot shots. Are my actions of defending myself the same as attending a rally? 2.) cjmiam said: If people are in Scouts and gay there is no need to be sad, just leave. No one i
  6. Wow - nope didn't mean to suggest anything similar between BSA and KKK - I am suggesting that the BSA is excluding good people, not on action but because of a interpretation of the Bible - I'm sorry for any insult I may have implied. I have obviously devoted too much time and have gotten wrapped up in my feelings of rejection this week. It was a bit of a sharp stick to the eye. Nothing will compare to the pain caused by our need to divorce. Nothing. So, I would do just about anything to avoid even more pain for my kids - which is why I'm not going to make a fuss with the Scouts.
  7. In response to "test of time". I am positive that discrimination has kept most Gay Scouts from "Coming Out", throughout the decades. Surprisingly, most of the Gay men I know have Scouting experience. Much of this has to do with a genuine desire to overcompensate for being helplessly bound to a condition deemed "wrong". With the growing acceptance of being Honest, it is completely against a Scout's Honor to stay in the closet. Thats why it has become an issue now. There have always been Gay youth in Scouting they only recently started kicking them out. As for starting a ne
  8. Again, thanks for sharing from your hearts. I do agree with you, almost whole-heartedly - and, it's not my intention to suggest anyone, especially the Scouts, "lower" their standards. I share my experience as food for thought. Most of you are in the position to decide that being Gay is something you could never imagine, that, based upon what you feel and what you've been told, you can easily believe that it is wrong - but, is it? Did Scouting "lower" its standards by allowing women? Did Scouting "lower" its standards to allow those of color? No. Our Country HAD to adopted Af
  9. I agree. I would never endanger the local organization to prove a point - I am also not going to subject my kids to the ridicule of being a scapegoat. It's too bad. Also, what you are saying about the decline of enrollment is much more true than I thought. As this buzz went around the office, I soon found out that all but two families had decided to divert their child's enrollment in Scouting because of the anti-gay policy - and, I'm the only Gay one - lol. Now I almost feel stupid getting my kids involved. Someday. Yes, like allowing Women into leadership, they will see the lig
  10. Sorry - It's Phil again. Please, no need to appologize for fellow listers. I am quite used to strong opinions - I respect their opinions. But, thanks for caring enough to say something. I re-read my post and didn't mean to be so ranty, that's not my intention. Scouting was always so fun and I was so excited for Max and now this really puts an unreasonable amount of frustration into it. I have some hard decisions. Is my child's involvement in the Scouts a vote for discrimination? Am I setting my son up for disappointment by involving him in an organization that constantly c
  11. Hey Scouters, Thank you for your replies. I wanted to report back after last night's meeting. Coincidence? They have no one to and none of the parents were willing/able to lead these eager kids so, they asked me - what could I do? I would have been honored and hid the pain as I declined and said I was too busy (They know Im Gay but, obviously didnt know the policy) My Son was so excited at the prospect of his Dad being his den leader that he nearly wet his pants and I finally had to grab him by the shoulders and set him in his seat firmly and annunciate the word NO! It broke my heart
  12. What a complicated thread. I am Gay. Never knew what Gay was but struggled with the attraction/unattraction. Married my best friend (after 10 years) had children and as I grew to realize how important integrity was as a Father, I crashed and burned under the pain of being "someone else". As I recovered from my mental breakdown, I Came Out. Intergrity. Hmmm. My oldest son is 8 and tonight I am bringing him to the general Cub Scout recruiting meeting. What do I do? I loved Cub Scouts. It's not the need to have Scouting "embrace" homosexuality as it is the BSA's stance to exclude e
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