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Everything posted by csmaniac

  1. For the record - these boys were/are in different troops. Some other parent - and I know who - made comments to the other SM about the project not being BIG enough. Funny how there have been at least 6 boys over the last couple of year do FH around the city. That SM should not have known about the other scout except for the parents big mouth. In the end - the district eagle rep took care of it as he signed for both boys with full knowledge that they were doing the same thing on the same day but in two totally different areas of the city. Each boy did his own project without the other being inv
  2. Thank you to everyone who replied. The problem has been with the SM. He is new and we are allowing for that. We had two boys wanting to do the same eagle project (Painting fire hydrants - about 40 each) on the same day. Seperate projects - seperate plans, seperate work crews - totally seperate. He forbid it saying it wouldn''t count, its the same etc. The council rep said as long as there is a letter from the city or fire chief stating that 40 each boy is a scopeable project (IE there are 1500 in the city - one boy taking care of 40 or so is reasonable) then he had no problem and s
  3. Ok - my council rep just chimed in. 3+3 works with him and he sits on lots of EBOR''s. Look up Eagle Scout and Dave is pictured there - all things scouts. Thanks for all your input.
  4. Thank you for your reply. That is what I thought. This scout was Life May 10th - Patrol Leader Position September 11th - became SPL His eagle project has been completed, needs two more MB''s. If he gets these done, and his project write up - by my calculations he can go for his Eagle BOR in November - 6 months of position(s) of responsiblity will have been fulfilled. But his scout leader is saying he has to wait until March (6 months after the September SPL position) which I believe is not correct. His mother doesn''t know the process so I''m trying to help her out and clarify the
  5. We need clarification of the eagle requirement can a boy have one position for 3 months (say Patrol Leader) and another for 3 months (say SPL) (both eagle level positions) for a total of the 6 months needed for eagle? Or must it be ONE position for 6 months? Thanks in advance for your help. Wasnt sure who else to ask. Have a great day!!!!!
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