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Advisor Jim

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Everything posted by Advisor Jim

  1. preaty much of the whole Venturing program was left out of WB, at least the course I took last year.Since the new WB includes Cub,Boy, and Venturing Scouts, I participated as A Venturer My experiance with the"new" WB is that it was an awesome experiance for me, New friends and alot of new opportunities, the staff was awesome. Yes we had to suffer through the first weekend of powerpoints, and classroom stuff but we also had time to get to know everybody. but as a Venturer or experianced Scouter you can really shine on the outdoor weekend. Do not go to Woodbadge thinking you are going
  2. So you say the B.S.A. has a Head Executive for the Venture Program, isn't the Venture Program part of Boy Scouts and not the Venturing Program In order to stop the confusion between Boy Scout Venture Patrols and Venturing Crews The Program is called Venturing,we have members that are called Venturers, and units are called Venturing Crews not Venture Crews You say "think outside of the box" and I say "what box"? As far as the Official not required but preferred uniform do you really think the B.S.A. wants Girl Scout emblems on them!!! Ask your Council Executive, not your
  3. It is up to your Council's Executive and only him or her if female youth are allowed to wear Girl Scout rank badges or medals, not the individual Crews Venturing Crew 80 out of Germantown Wi. will have a Venturing promotion display at the Milwaukee Sport Show March 14-23 2003 Our Charter is the Gander Mountain store in Germantown WI., they are allowing us to use some of their space We cannot thank them enough for their support to the Venturing Program Jim
  4. Venturing Crew 80 out of Germantown Wi. will have a Venturing Promotion display at the Milwaukee Sport Show March 14-23 2003 Our Chartering Organization is The Gander Mountain Store in Germantown,Wisconsin, They let us have some of their space for the Venturing Program and our Crew of course We can not thank them enough for being such an awesome Charter for our Crew Stop on by and see it!!! Jim Advisor Venturing Crew 80
  5. I am already signed up for this course Am truely looking foward to being there. Jim Advisor Venturing Crew 80 Germantown WI. Gander Mountain Charter
  6. If the female youth in Venturing Crews feel like they are 2nd class citizens. It is the individual crews that are doing it to them not the program. Our female youth don't really care about being an Eagle Scouts. Most of The Girl Scouts that we get are already Gold Awarded in Girl Scouts. They way to make them feel equal is to treat them equal! We try to make everything equal in our Crew!! The male youth and adults in the Crews should treat the females as equal because they are giong to have to do it the rest of their lives. It wasn't that long ago that females were not
  7. We are a COED High Adventure Venturing Crew in Wisconsin Established Aug. 2001 12 youth & 14 adults How we make this program work is we found a Chartering Organization that works with our program We are chartered by the Germantown WI. Gander Mountain. They provide us with knowledgable people for the activities we want to do. For example: They have hunter's safety courses running so we ALL can go hunting Gander Mountain is letting us use a table at the Milwaukee Sport Show for Venturing promotion. promote your crews abilities!!!!! Think outside of the box. let the y
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