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About crewmom

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  1. A girl-only venture crew could work, by all means. As written above, the crew members just have to write their own charter. However, it has to be their decision. In the one I am currently working with, the girls hold all the officer positions, since the boys are often split between their troops and the crew when we're on district or council events. So far it's worked alright. Just don't let them near any air soft or paintball guns (non-official venturing activity), no matter how empty they are!
  2. Hi, I'm currently using my mother's login to post this (with her permission!), so be forewarned. I worked at this camp in the 2008 summer, and absolutely loved it! Due to administrative issues and a tradgedy involving a staff member, council support waned over time, and is now coming back. I personally know of almost a dozen returning staff who are from the local area. For Venturing: Is there interest in high adventure/venture advancement programs at camps? I know that SeaBase, Philmont, and Northern Tier all have high adventure programs, but are people interested in pl
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