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Posts posted by cfnunn

  1. I have the same question as 83Eagle. I have a boy that is in our den that is autistic. Right now I am looking at all the requirements for the Webelos Badge and trying to come up with a plan to help him with the Webelos program. I am meeting with both his parents next week to outline with them the Webelos program and my agenda for the Webelos Badge. From doing research in these forums and linked sites I have found some useful information. What I am wanting to know is how you have handled autistic members in the den and how you helped them achieve their Rank Advancement. Thanks!

  2. First off why is it such a huge problem. Has anyone that has posted comments been in this program. I am not talking about units that did the trial In the Northern Star Council. I am talking about the actual parents that their boys were in the trial. Chances are there are not many that have posted. Wing made a comment about losing 20% from Lion to Tiger. Your point is what? I am a Webelos 1 leader (I was Bear Leader last year) and had 10 boys at the start of last year. At recharter I had 9. Once the new year starts I will have 8. Wow I just lost 20%. I have experience with this program. No I am not in the Northern Star council. The school my son went to in Kindergarten had a Pack and that year they got permission to offer a program for the Kindergarteners called Kinder Pups. Since I am a former scout I jumped on the opportunity. There were a total of 5 boys that joined. Here is what we did as Kinder Pups. We met 1 night a month. we got to make a necker and slide (the boys were encouraged to wear them- and THEY DID) We got to participate in the Pinewood Derby. We learned the Motto, Handshake, and Sign. Every year the pack would go camping and have their graduation while at camp. As Kinder Pups we were invited also. Of the 5 only 1 went (My Son) He graduated to Tiger. The whole weekend we was included. His graduation ceremony was just like all the other boys. When the new school year started we had 6 tigers (5 of which were Kinder Pups the previous year). The program was disolved because noone wanted to help with it (the Scouter that ran it the year my son was in it was now a Webelos 2 Leader and was busy with AOL). We moved and found a differnt Pack but in the same District. My son is now a Webelos 1. The other 4 are no longer in scouting. Last year i ran into the Leader that started the Kinder Pups and asked him looking back at it was it worth trying the Kinder Pups and he said "YES" I asked why? and he said is your son still active and I said yes and he said it was worth the effort. I think we get caught up in the numbers and percentages on how many crossover to a troop. If 1 boy crosses over and stays with scouting be it cub or boy then as a leader I have done my job. That leader 4 years ago introduced scouting to my son on a very limited and basic level and now 4 years later he just started Webelos 1. Do I think starting at Kindergarten is a good idea yes. One other bit of information that I did not share I am a single parent (dad). I dropped out of scouting when my parents got a divorce. As a Den Leader half of my den is comprised of single parent homes. And of the 50% from single parent homes 3 of the 5 the parent doesn't stay for the meeting and of the 5 3 are single mothers. As Scouters and as Scouts we are mentors to the boys that are in our Pack/Troop. In Boy Scouts the younger members of the Troop look up to the older boys for leadership and guidence. 1 boy can do a lot if given a chance even if that boy is in Kindergarten. When that Kindergartener goes into first grade and becomes a Tiger he tells 1 of his friends and they join too. they both move up to Wolf and bring a friend to Wolf Den now there are 4. Those 4 have a blast and as Bears they each bring a new boy. Now we are at 8 those 8 as Webelos 1 have even more fun tell a friend and that friend joins now you have 16 Webelos 2's getting ready to crossover to a Troop. So again why is it a "bad idea". My son is a product of exposure to cub scouts in kindergarten.

  3. I know that this is an old post but someone might be able to use the information. I am currently the Webelos 1 Den Leader. Last year i was the Bear Den Leader. I had a den of 10 Bears (down to 8 when they became Webelos)and when Webelos Woods happended in April the district opened it up to 1st and 2nd year Webelos and Bear's that had EARNED their Bear Badge. Since it was only open to those Bears that earned their rank I had only 5 out of the 10 that were eligible and of those 5 had only 2 that went. Before the event I sat down with the CM, CC, and the parent of the other boy that was going (my son was one of the 2). I explained to the parent with the help of the CM and CC, that a parent would have to go with the boy, the boys would be doing the same activities as the Webelos but would not earn the Activity Badges that the webelos earned. The parent said that was not a problem. The parent then said to me that even though they were not going to be earning the Activity Badges it was a great experience for the boys. The 2 Bears were actually able to earn a couple of Belt Loops while they were at Webelos Woods. This was also the first time that the Bears got to camp with a Troop. Since Webelos Woods the Bears had a chance to go to Scout Weekend in Branson, MO (which only a few people went including 1 Bear-because of the weather and travel) Because of the report from the Bear that camped in Branson and the 2 that went to Webelos Woods there are a total of 11 boys going to Resident Camp (4 Bears (moved up from wolf) 3 Webelos 1 and 4 Webelos 2).

  4. In June our pack goes to Day Camp and Resident Camp. Also, we have a Rocket Rally so the boys that don't go to camp still get to do something fun. The boys get to make little paper rockets as well as soda bottle water rockets. We usually have about 15 to 20 boys show up for it.


    In July, we have a fun Raingutter Regatta and water day with slip and slides and the fire department comes out.


    In, Aug, the boys rebuild our Cub Mobiles and we have Cub Mobile races.

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