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Posts posted by AnonEagle

  1. Since AIS is currently being discussed I just wanna throw in my personal experiences.


    1) I think I got 2 seperate case numbers. 1 for AVA and one from AIS  (I had a one time abuse incident at a camp so Don't think I should have 2 case numbers). I signed up through AIS and it is a bearded guy that I see in the update videos.  I have no idea if this is just me not understanding what I received in the early days of the lawsuit or if the AIS numbers could possibly be as much as double what it truly is. 


    2 I sent a support email months ago when their was some searchable list by cases posted here and couldn't find mine and asked for clarification. Still haven't gotten any response back from that email.

    Also it really left a sour taste in my mouth the way the guy that handled my case when I sent it to AIS kept talking to me super casually and using a lot of emojis when texting me. Came off really tone deaf to say the least.


    Also when I made my statement over the phone and then written, I was told and reassured that I would not have to go through the process of telling the story of what happened to me again but it seems people on this thread think that it's a given that we will absolutely have to testify.

    If it looks like that is the case then is it wise for those of us that were abused to participate in this thread or at least purge our comments when it gets closer to the final hours?

    I can see them saying stuff like " well you seemed just as interested in talking about red vs green loops or your personal experiences during camp or some third off topic thing discussed" and then use the stuff we post here as a wedge to basically say " see they aren't doing so bad, why should we pay anything more than the minimum?".


    At this point in the race I feel like I hitched my wagon to the wrong horse, or maybe that I should have never bothered leaving the stable.



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  2. Hello again. Firstly I want to apologize for the way I acted in the part 3 thread, got a little emotional and over reacted.


    I have some more questions I want to ask about the logistics of this case but first a peace offering.


    Would you guys be interested in me posting some relevant portions from my AIS update email? (Recieved 7/9).  The main things I took away from the email are 


    1 don't listen to headlines claiming deal has been reached

    2 the insurance is where the bulk of the $ is coming from so don't worry/ focus on the other contributions 

    3 it is possible we will be voting by end of august with ballots due in october if currently discussed plan goes forward.

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  3. Thanks for that I have been trying to find something like this but was only able to get specific examples of cases.


    I'll delete my previous post since you think it is not appropriate even though I think this is exactly the place to ask this kind of question and in fact could not find a more appropriate place to ask that question anywhere else on the internet. If this forum isn't a place for victims to talk about the case then I'll leave and you wont see any more posts from me, but I think its incredibly weird to tell me its inappropriate to ask what a payout in a settlement would be in a thread about the lawsuit. 

  4. Hey I'm new to this website and this discussion thread so sorry if it is explained deeper in the thread, but I don't understand how the numbers vary so much. Like cynical scouter just used 1.4 billion as the expected number but the quote I  posted is from an article that I believe I was sent by my lawyer as an update on the case.



    The two camps differ wildly on estimated costs of the abuse. The Boy Scouts said in its latest plan that its claims expert estimates the cost of settling the claims at between $2.4 billion and $7.1 billion. The claimants' committee says it will be more than $100 billion. 

    I don't know if I'm allowed to link to outside sites but its from a USA TODAY article. 


    I just don't understand how their can be such a huge gap between the TCC and BSA groups and even between the 1.4 billion vs the 2-7 mentioned in the article. Like I get that both sides want to maximize the payout/ minimize damage but the gap still seems extreme to me. So I guess my question is what is the boy scout settlement expected to be? 

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