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About dlhoovler

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    Junior Member

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    Cleveland, Ohio

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  1. Thank you, everyone, both for the advice and the warm welcome! As I suspected, either red or olive would be "correct," so the best bet is just to have a casual conversation with the Scoutmaster and/or other leaders as I come on board--though casual conversations are more challenging in the midst of COVID and Zoom meetings. Or just go forward with the olive. And @Chisos, this isn't actually my original shirt from my Scout years. I've looked for that old shirt everywhere but haven't found the right box yet. Although I probably shouldn't mention that the "new" one off eBay is a size smaller
  2. New to the forums but not to Scouting--went from Cubs through to Eagle as a youth and have been involved with my son's Cub Scout Pack for the past four years. Now he's crossed over to a Troop, and I'm looking to update my Scouter uniform shirts accordingly--which leads to an admittedly esoteric question. I have a long-sleeve Oscar de la Renta shirt like I wore as a Scout, but what color shoulder loops and unit numbers should I wear with it? Obviously, during the era of the shirt, they were red. But aesthetically and from a uniformity standpoint, I lean toward the current olive, which is w
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