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Everything posted by SamMidkiff

  1. blw2, thanks for the suggestions. I agree about on-site -- there's nothing like having morning coffee and breakfast and watching the ultralights taking a few early morning flights. I'll check with EAA on this.
  2. Thanks to all of your replies -- I will check into this. You've all been very helpful. Sam
  3. I should have joined years ago!
  4. Does anyone have any suggestions for places for a Scout troop to camp within an hour of Oshkosh? I know they have camping on-site, and have spent a few pleasant weeks there, but their shower facilities don't meet youth protection requirements for separation of youth from adults. Any suggestions and/or actual experiences of attending Oshkosh would be appreciated. And if this is in the wrong sub-forum, let me know that as well. Thanks, Sam Midkiff
  5. 15 year scouter, former den leader, troop committee chair, scoutmaster, council camping chair, current troop committee chair, council VP program, camp visitation committee. 3 boys that have aged out of scouting and all did much better than I did as a scout, which is a good thing!
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