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10 Good

About bufordtjustice

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    Junior Member
  1. Go in expecting to have a good time and to make new friends. Try not to worry so much about the tickets that you forget to have fun. Buford T
  2. I agree with the comments already posted about how much easier it is when you have a ticket Counselor you can work with. It will be difficult, but try not to focus too much on the ticket. Some scouters focus so much on the ticket items that they fail to enjoy the ride. It has been so much fun I wish I could do it all over again. Have Fun I received my beads last night. SR-618 Go Bears
  3. I will be attending Wood Badge this month. We had our cross over ceremony a couple of weeks ago. I'm really looking forward to it. I've been reading this forum and others and although I've not heard the session about the "Vision" and "Mission" I think I may be starting to get an idea about what it means. I'm hoping that this preview will help me to better comprehend the session. I understand the camping is suppose to be how the scouts experience it and that we each get to perform the different functions within the patrol. I'm looking forward to being the "whining scout" that doesn't
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