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    South Carolina

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  1. Ok I am all about boys deciding. In the last 3 elections we have had 3 horrible SPL and the same ASPL who just kind of stands there. The problem our troop is that we went from a troop of 8 boys to now having g about 40 boys. But the oldest boys have set the tone of it just being social hour. They have so much time vested in them but they aren't teaching. It has become a domino effect on the next age group. And I am seeing these boys start to show this as well. Our younger scouts look up to these older scouts. So they are like a big deal to them. Our SM is a mess too. I feel the reason our SPL have been horrible is due to lack of guidance from our SM. The biggest problem isn't our scouts. It is our SM who doesn't oversee, guide, or set the tone or expectation. We have a SM who has these ideas, but doesn't follow through or rely on her ASM to help. We have a leadership in adults issue . But feel that due to this going on for so long, it has set the tone for the boys. If that makes sense.
  2. Our Troop is getting ready to come up on our mid year elections. Which means a new SPL. I am going into our committee chair position starting today. At our PLC I over heard our SM son say that a scout in our Troop was going to run for SPL. And our SM son was going to be his ASPL. My issue with this is this scout, according to our scoutbook attendance report has a 19% attendance record. He has only attended 14 of the events since Nov 2016 to present day. There is talks of another scout in our Troop that is interested. Who has a better attendance record and takes his leadership role serious. Am I wrong for saying that the SM and ASM should intervene, in the aspect that the one scoUT with low attendance doesn't qualify for SPL? There has to be a time when leaders have to give that guidance and direction, when your older scouts are not there to give that direction. We have numerous older scouts who sign up for leadership. But don't commit. They aren't active in the bulk of our functions to do their job. Any feedback would be appreciated.
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