I'm in training for my first-time staffing a WB course. It's been a bucket list item to staff a WB course. I jumped at the chance and I too had a bit of resistance from my family due to the time demands. I'm going to miss my niece's bat mitzva, which is a huge deal for my family. I would have such a small role in the whole day, but my being willing to skip it to staff WB is a big deal for them. We only have a WB course every other year here in VT, and my son is going to cross-over from AOL Den to Boy scouts this coming Fall, so I felt it's a really important time for me to be on staff. As a result of my being on staff I was able to leverage my sacrifice and convinced not only the guy who will be the new scoutmaster to take the WB course, I also lassoed the current (very long standing) ASM, the current Troop Org. Rep (who is also the current ACM, transitioning to Pack Com. Chair), and the guy who will replace me as CubMaster next year all to take the course too.
This then opens up opportunities for me to step back from intimately running a unit and a den, which I've been doing for 4 years, to doing more work for the District and Council, which really could use the help. I plan on getting involved in leader training and possibly chairing the yearly University of Scouting training day. I will also become an ASM of my son's new troop and see if I can't finally get re-elected into the Order of the Arrow (I was elected as a boy but never got around to being bumped, too busy ski racing!) and work with that group of scouts. Ultimately staffing WB as a troop guide will open the possibility of working as council training chair down the road. Working WB staff as troop guide is a prerequisite for that role.
Finally, I NEED to be on staff for WB now because I need a change. I need to work with other experienced scouting volunteers, at least for a bit. I need a break from the world of Cub Scouting. When I took the wheel at my Pack it was on the ropes. The Den leaders were also the Committee. We did everything. We never qualified for JTE because we never had time to get enough points in enough categories to get even bronze. Since I became ACM 3 years ago, and CM two years ago we have been JTE Gold each year. We now have an actual COMMITTEE, with a separate, monthly committee meeting. We have lots of boys, finally over 30 from the 6 when I started 5 years ago as the Tiger Den Leader. We have recruitment events. We have a website. We have a den of boys from Lion to AOL. We actually crossed boys over to the Troop last month! It's been a long road of hard work training and recruiting green leaders and eager young boys. I've met now for 5 full day monthly WB Staff training days and I'm feeling good. I'm associating with some really fine fellow staff members from all over the state. It's nice to be working with folks who get it. Who are Scouting lifers. I'm making friends who I will have for the rest of my life. It's truly a blessing. As I enter my last year as Cubmaster today, June 1st, I look forward to stepping back and just being on the Pack Committee, meeting once a month, maintaining the health of the Pack, something most Troops over-look. They need to keep a hand in the running of the Pack so there is a healthy river of boys coming to the Troop. Without this river the Troop will dry up...