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Everything posted by BSAquatics

  1. BSA is allowing 2 summer camps to run pilot programs with PWC (Blue Ridge Mountains Council being one) "AND" 2 other summer camps to run pilot programs for ATVs (I think Camp Raven Knob is one, but put off running the pilot program until 2010). Looking at this solely from a Program stand point PWCs and ATVs are great additions to the BSA Program. Retaining older scouts is always a difficult task for units and scouting as a whole, and honestly there is very little in scouting that does not have considerable risk involved that has to be taken into account. Certainly, there are plenty
  2. I am an Aquatics Director at a Summer Camp that has both pool and waterfront facilities. Pools have become more popular in camps for multiple reasons. Yes some scouts feel more comfortable in a pool, but there are other safety issues involved. It is much easier for a camp to control the environment of a pool then a lake. Water clarity, temperature, clear bottom, water levels are all things that are extremely difficult or impossible for the camp to control in a lake. BSA has standards for all of these issues and some lakes do not stand up to the test. I do believe that lakes make fo
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