I just returned from a week at the family camp at camp bartlett. My wife is a Webelos leader and was doing woodbadge. I have a son in Webelos and a younger daughter that all went as well. I didn't have to do any of the training classes and mostly just hung out and did the adult activities.
My wife wants me to get back into scouting by the time my son is a regular scout(two years from now).
I earned my life scout badge and was one merit badge/project away from eagle when I was younger before they added an additional requried one and I never felt like finishing things
I enjoy doing more of the high adventure type things(rafting, canoeing, primitive camping etc) but have had issues regarding politics and religion in scouting. Here in Utah, the majority of scouting is ran by the LDS church and I'm not a church type of guy. My wife goes to church(non LDS) but is the Webelos leader in a LDS pack due to her doing a great job as assistant Wolf leader.
If anyone knows of good non church sponsored cub/scout troops in the northern area of Davis County, Utah, let me know. If possible, my wife would like to find a venture pack as well as she would like my daughter to be in scouting too.