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Everything posted by EsmieS

  1. I'm an Assistance Den Leader for a Tiger Cub Den. It's my first time being exposed to the cub scouts so I'm totally new here and basically flying by the seat of my pants. I have been finding that though none of the parents complain at all about the content of our Den Meetings, a few more "seasoned" cub scout parents have requested that we include certain things in each den meeting. The parents making requests are themselves Den leaders for their older son's dens. As far as I understand, including a flag ceremony, The Pledge of Allegiance and The Law of the Pack in each meeting is completely optional and up to the Den leader. Our Den Leader and I want to make the cub scouts as fun as possible and feel like all the formalities are not necessary for Tiger cubs at every meeting. Are we wrong in thinking this? Should we accommodate these requests or is there a more polite way of saying, "I understand that you like to run your own den meetings a certain way but this is how we choose to run our own meetings"? We DO usually close our meetings with the Cub Scout Promise.
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