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Posts posted by woody01

  1. I checked out fast start and your wright. I was at training yesterday They knew nothing of the changes

    to the tiger program. I would hope a new book is

    aviabile if the would enclude these changes in

    fast start, but I see no mention of it on line.

    at Scout stuff. I think they must likely have the cart before the horse.

  2. mdkeplers

    I found a link on www.usscouts.org under wearing religious emblems.

    If Rel. emblem is earned as a cub it maybe worn

    on boy scout uniform, but you must also wear the

    gold cub scout device on the knot (#5103C) or

    if earned as a webelo (# 5103K)

    Just type (wearing knots) in search block.

    Print this out and send it to the next meeting with your boy.

    P.S. stop by the scout shop and get him the pin First.

    Let us what his S.P.L. has to say.

  3. Like it or not guys the writing is in the wall.

    The new Lion Program is co-ed for K-aged kids

    At 14 girls can join vent. program.

    Guess whats next. I have a 61/2 year old Tiger &

    & a 3 year old Girl. I say bring it on. I do not think

    I would look good in a smock. Honesty I like the Cub

    program in my area better than the GSA Program.

    I do not like going 1/2 way if you are going to let

    Girls be in vent. there should be a cub aged program too!!!!


    ps. around here girls play L.L. with the boys. Most of

    them can hit better too.

  4. Thanks guys I did find out on the OA web site, need to

    be a member of the Lodge in the council in which you are

    reg. I have contacted my old council to get my records.

  5. May be some one can anwser my ?. I'm back in scouting after 15 years. I'm Cubmaster of my sons pack.I was a

    boy scout 1 council to the south of were I live now.

    Do I have to transfer or can I remain a OA member were

    I was.

  6. These knot req. need some work. Tiger knot For exp. our former

    District Exc. found the need to have 6 packs in a small

    town pop. aprrox. 5,000 people. This makes it very tuff

    to get 5 tigers during req. The fact is that he looked

    better because he had more units under him, no matter

    what the size of each unit was.

  7. Brantshore,

    Your not alone, our pack is about the same size as yours.

    Our C.C. is about to step down (Thank God).We just

    had our blue & gold it was not the boys I had to talk over it was her. She is more worried about how much

    $$ is in her kids account than any thing else

    Our C.O.R. forgot that we were having a blue & gold

    Not to forget the Old women at the church ( our C.O.)

    are plain mean. It been so many years since they were

    kids I think they have forgot what Its like.

    So we were forced to have our blue & gold in the basment.

    We may be having the opp. to go back to the fire hall

    were our pack was before.I think we are going to go.

    Also I think our council is the most disorganized

    one around our scout shop has nothing in stock.

    We are getting our awards from the next council south.


  8. I was leaning more toward a co-ed cub program.

    At 14 the girls can be in the vent. program.

    My sister was a girl scout growing up with

    3 older brothers in scouts.She was alot tuffer

    than the other girls.With both parehts as leaders

    she spend a lot of time camping with our troop.

    She was not fond of "camping in the local mall.

  9. In reading some International posts on the net I think our friends

    Down under have got an interesting program with girls & Boys together.

    With a lot of the adult leaders in our cub program being female.

    I went to training classes this past fall 75% of the leaders there

    were female.This training was both Boy Scout and Cub Scout.

    I just thought this would make a interesting topic.

    What do you think about it.

  10. Come on people these kids are in the same meeting what 1 time a month

    for a pack meeting, With a room full of leaders and parents.

    Other than that they are going to be with a group there own age.

    Like tigers at lease in our area they will go to day camp.

    Not res. camp.

    Like tigers the boys will attend W/an adult partner.

    So how could you call this baby sitting.

    What is differance between going to a pack meeting or event W/ 5th graders and riding the same bus with them everday. (With 1 Adult present the bus driver)

    Like I said earlier Some times I wish the older boys were as well

    behaved as the tigers are in our pack.

  11. These boys being 5 do not bother me in my area kids

    in kindergarden go to school all day just like 1st

    graders,They ride the bus with kids K-grade 5.


    Girl scouts have been including K-age kids for years.As hard as it may be boys are no harder to control than girls. I have both my self.If you keep them busy they will be fine they have to learn some time.Honestly my Tigers are the best behaved den in the whole pack. so i do not think age is a issue.

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