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Bob Welch

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Everything posted by Bob Welch

  1. I think if you ask most Eagle Scouts you will find they were pushed(encouraged) most often by parents, secondly by a interested adult. If the boy isn't pushed some the gas and perfume fumes will get him. I am 48 years old now,I earned my Eagle Rank when I was about 16. Maybe I should say we earned it,my parents and I. Dad taking me to campouts and staying, Mom driving me Merit Badge Counselor's homes to be tested. The pushing wasn't always appreciated, but the memories are priceless. I am a only child, my parents are both dead now. They never saw my son, who is also a only child, he will bri
  2. My son is 9 and getting ready to start Webelos this June and I have been a Den Leader since he started Bobcat.This leader needs to understand he is dealing with young boys and his way will drive good boys away from the scouting program. I have had to learn how deal with the boys of my den and how to keep their attention.I use a ticket or token with numbers on them like ones used at a fair to encourage good behavior,one ticket for proper uniform,another for remembering to bring his cub manual,etc..At the end of the meeting I draw from the halfs of the tickets two stubs and let the two winners p
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