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Everything posted by viperatx

  1. Thanks for everyone's input, I took your advice and listened to the discussion. Our District Chairmen talked to us about the Eagle project and I learned a great deal. Now all I have to do is choose a project. I was thinking about giving the homeless shelter downtown a facelift on the outside and maybe even on the inside. I've seen it and it looks like it could use it. I think that would definitely would help the community, what do you think?
  2. Thanks I guess I kind of needed that info. The reason why I want to do the packet is because really I think if I had a proper Scoutmaster a while back, I would all ready be the Life rank. I have all the merit badges for Life and I only lack three Eagle required merit badges for Eagle and as for the rest of the requirements, I am the Senior Patrol Leader and will have a service project in a month. But I still have to wait 5 more months untill I can even be Life. I have been in scouts for two years now and I think if my troop's scoutmaster position would have been taken by a more qualified perso
  3. Ok Thanks for the information but I have one more question, can I start to fill out the Eagle Packet with the other Life scouts. I understand it can't be signed of but can I start to fill in the paper work?
  4. I am a Star scout right now and recently our troop has started working on the Eagle packet with the Life rank scouts. I have been told by one of our Assistant Scoutmasters that I could also work on the Eagle Packet with them too since I am close to life rank. I was told by the Committee Chairmen that I could not even look at the Eagle Packet. Can someone explain the policy or rule about the starting date of the Eagle Project. I don't actually want to start the project until I am a Life scout but if I think of a project, couldn't I just start on the paper work?
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