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Posts posted by venice

  1. Totally agree about teasing. I've had many a disagreement with my husband about the difference between "teasing" and "just fooling around". Boys sure seem to be able to act nasty towards each other during the middle school years. However, this is more about the other scouts avoiding him (that's what I meant about making him miserable) -- they're really avoiding his mom, I suppose. Her singleminded devotion is rather uncomfortable to watch. And no one in the troop wants to get in the middle of their battles. We may have to give him a position because the other scouts don't think about electing him to anything. This isn't a learning disability you can see. The boy can communicate when he is engaged and interested. He plays games and talks to the other scouts, but won't fold his tent or eat the food they prepare.


    I will get that scouting publication -- we have more than one LD scout in our troop, so it will be a valuable tool. (My involvement in this troop is I just brought my 7 Webelos on board. I've known most of them since first grade and they're "my boys". One's LD, one's ADD, one's incredibly shy, one's brilliant, but they're all fun.)


    I have sinced learned the troop has an older scout with the same receptive/expressive disorder. His needs don't seem to be as acute although he has reached a plateau at first class. But he willingly does chores and participates in activities, not much of a talker, but not surly either. Of course, the older scout's attitude has affected our committee's expectations of the younger scout, who has never in the past three years shown any of that ol' elusive "scout spirit".


    The mother has been asked to make a list of the accomodations she would like us to make for her son and I assure you we will do all of them that are humanly possible. She intends for him to attain Eagle. It's hard to tell if he shares her dreams for him.


  2. The topic about ODD scouts was very helpful. I would like to gather information on how to help a 14-year old scout with receptive/expressive disorder advance. This is a language disorder in which the young person is unable to understand much of what he is told and then of course, unable to organize and express his thoughts later. In our particular situation, the parent IS very involved and attends all meetings, all campouts and all events with him. He only meets merit badge requirements when she "facilitates" him. It would appear that she is actually doing the work for him, but she does show documentation, site maps, worksheets, etc. where he has struggled through. However, in a board of review, he cannot answer any questions, or maybe will not. He clams up even when he has thoroughly researched the subject in question and has the paperwork in front of him. He seems to not want to be a part of scouting at all. He does not participate in meetings (but the disorder is probably a part of that), he does not willingly do any chores on campouts and frequently wanders away. However, the members of the committee have witnessed him talking long and informatively about a subject that he is passionately interested in -- motocross. His mother has become rather aggressive with the committee. She wants him to make Eagle, she wants him to be given a position (rather than elected) so that he can advance in rank, she wants special accomodations made so that all these things can happen. On campouts, she has been witnessed doing his chores, preparing special food for him, and nagging him so much he has become violent with her (only her, no other leader and no other scout). The other scouts have begun to make his life miserable as a "mama's boy". She wishes to sit in on Board of Reviews (not allowed -- I know), or at least outside an open door so that she can hear. Since she has asked for accomodations from the committee, I feel we successfully require her to acquiese to scout rules (i.e., she can't sit in on a Board of Review). However, in our last committee meeting, it seemed very clear that she would consider it the committee's fault if the boy did not advance all the way to Eagle.


    The committee members all have the distinct impression that the boy would not be in scouting if his mother were not forcing him.


    If you have experienced this disorder in your troop, I would appreciate your thoughts.

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