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Posts posted by Trailblazermom

  1. here is an e mail I recieved from Ask Andy the Net Commish. If your wondering why I changed ASM to Committee, its because this person is also the Committee Chair. I should have asked where specifically the policy was quoted from. Again I thank you all for your replies.


    The BSA's policy -- a long-standing one, by the way -- is simple: If it was official "then" it's official NOW! This includes "mix-and-match." So this Scout's overseas cap is totally "legal" and shame on a committee of sticks-in-the-mud! But, let's look at the positive: If other Scouts think it's cool, why not go online (eBay, maybe) and see if you can outfit the whole troop with these! (Frankly, they're a lot more convenient than the current baseball caps because, when you're not wearing it, you just fold it over your belt and it never gets crushed, damaged, or lost!)





  2. Thank you all for your replies. I am going to bring this to the ASM's attention and hopefully he will stop telling this scout to stop wearing the hat. Also all the boys in the troop think this hat is the coolest and all want one. So knowing now that the headgrear is by troop vote we may soon have all the scouts wearing one.



  3. I was wondering if someone can tell me where to find the "rules" about a uniform question I have. We have a scout in our troop who wears a vintage BSA garrison hat with his scout uniform. The ASM said its against the uniform rules to mix an old uniform part with the current. He said you have to wear the whole vintage uniform not just the hat and that you can't mix old with new. I have looked and can't find an answer in the insignia guide or by searching here.

    Anyone know where I might find out what the correct answer is? Thank very much


  4. My sons Tiger book fell apart. First the cover came unglued then the back pages started letting go. I had access to a stapler that binds really thick materials so that helped it stay together and I had to hot glue the cover back on. So far the other rank books are fine.


  5. pixiewife, I don't know if you have the Program Helps book for this year (you can also view it online) but for February in the Bear Den game/activities there are several games they have from China. One is the "chinese wall" another is "lame Chicken" Also they list jumping rope or "jumping 100 threads" as a game created in China 1500 years ago. The book gives all the details for each game. :)


  6. Lisa, i know it was a misunderstanding/misinterpretation when you asked why I was having my son "fly" through it. Just to clarify no that is not at all what I was trying to do. :)

    ScoutNut summed it up exactly that I have been getting mixed signals. That is why I am asking/questioning this because it is a special circumstance. I just want to make sure that my son will not be short changed in the program.

    ScoutNut, I have the Webs handbook and have been reading it and thats why I have a lot of questions and why I am asking them now before we end up off track somewhere. :) As for a Web II or 5th grade leader there is not one. And no the Webs DL was not a Bear leader.

    As to the age/grade guidelines this is where I felt I am getting hung up. An example of this is my now boyscout son at 10 1/2 was told he was a boy scout not a Web and placed in the troop because there wouldn't be enough time to get through webs. He was not yet through with 5th grade. So he has been a Boy scout since.

    Now I am reading a BSA Youth Application and it says for Webelos: Must have completed third grade, but not completed fifth or be age 10 but not yet 11 1/2. So that means my son could have another 6 months to work on his Webs stuff? If I seem confused, I am, its adds to the confusion when everyone seems to have their own interpretation of the age guidelines in our Pack. Thanks for reading. I am going to sit done with my son and give him these options and see what he would like to do.





  7. Yes I agree the Pack is not running the way it should be in terms of the advancement timetable. I just spoke with the Webs leader and was told the Bears wouldn't be in the Webs den until Aug. However my son could meet with Webs ever other week in the summer.

    I also was told my son can work on his Webs and AOL past the age of 11. From everything I have read that is not correct.

    I am getting frustrated because Webs leader seems to be running things according to persons own rules.


    Thanks for the clarification about the electives.

  8. Infoscout

    Yes, i know that they cannot work on electives after the fact but that is how it was done last year, the kids had graduation and then worked on electives and got arrow points before we started the new year scouting year. (just read this from the back of the Bear handbook, "You may earn Arrow Points until you join your Webelos Den" So going by our pack he would still be a Bear until August when the new school year starts then. So not sure if that changes anything.

    And "rocking the boat" is exactly what I feel. Webs DL has the leaders guide and has been trained, or at least I think. As for the summer Webs planning I really don't know what if any the plans are. I am planning on talking to DL with all these things brought up.




    (This message has been edited by Trailblazermom)

  9. I have read all the responses and I see that he can start working on Webs as soon as the pack has graduation. However I don't know if the Webs leader will be willing to work with me/him over the summer. DL seems to have own agenda for the Webs DL has now. It had been mentioned that I may want to "lone scout" to get him through Webs. Not sure if that is a possible or why that was suggested.

    I know from the previous year through the summer the boys did not work on their new rank over the summer they worked on electives from whatever rank they were. I am going to have to talk to the CM and I guess den leader. As for resident camps I don't know of any for webelos where i am. That is something I will have to ask about.


  10. Thank you all for your replies. I want to read them all again when I have a bit more time this evening before replying and adding some more information. Thanks again and I will be back later with a reply to the posts


  11. My son just completed Bear and he is 10. By the time he starts Webelos in August(thats when everyone begins in their new dens) my son will be 10 1/2 so my question is could he realisticly complete the program in 6 months, Webelos badge and AOL? It seems like a lot to cover in 6 months.

    I feel sort of like he is going to be rushed more than anything and maybe he should just wait until he is 11 and just transfer to the Troop.

    I am interested in your suggestions and advice anyone else have this situation before? Thanks in advance


  12. Bevah thanks for sending me the PM :) and to everyone else who has replied so far.

    Lisabob thanks for your suggestions. This is initially what I thought when this event was put on the calander, it would be like a come and see and ask questions type event.

    I had suggested what you said about a Merit Badge opportunity so far it has not been done. This whole event was not setup by me or anyone on the Pack Commitee. It was done between the CM and another parent. Which is a whole nother issue.


  13. Thank you all for your replies. I know that riding a horse with a bike helmet would not be appropriate. Wheather it be Cubs or not. What I meant to say or get across was when you assume a risk outside of a group like scouts your not involving a big organization etc. Your on your own if you want to do something not smart. I hope i explained that right. This is what I was trying to convey to CM with this whole issue that you can't do said activity if you do not follow guielines set forth by BSA, and that he would be the one liable.

    As for a tour permit I am going to say no it has not been done yet.

    Thanks again I knew I was right in what I read the first time in the guides. I apologize if this seemed like a rather duh? issue I guess I just needed affirmation I was correct.



  14. Greetings,

    Can someone tell me if I am understanding the rules regarding horesmanship activites with Cubs? Heres the situation. CM planned an outing to a persons home who has horses. The horse lady owns/ works with 4H kids and apparently the 4H kids are going to show their horses and walk the Cubs around on the horses. I have read the Guide to Safe Scouting about this and was a bit vauge until I pulled out the BSA Health and Safety Guide, which gave tons more detail but still left questions in my mind.

    Is this allowed at a persons home and not at say an actually business that is insured and licensed for stuff or does that only

    apply to a council event?

    My red flag is up at this point because the part about using certified headgear I was told the helmets the 4H kids have will probably be to big so bring bike helmets. Is that allowable?

    I just want to make sure I am interpreting these guidelines correctly. I mean its one thing to do this activity as non scouters but if its a cub activity i want to make sure its done safely.

    Just as a reference the Health and Safety Guideline can be found here.


    let me know your thoughts



    Absolutely I will try other districts as I have for all my training. Like I said I didn't want the first problem I had with these people at PWD to discourage us from going to the Day CAmp. I know now after giving them a second chance not to involve our Pack in any events held by said district. As for the Scouting program no we will not quite that. My boys and self enjoy it very much and have learned lots including from this bad experience. AS they say there are always a few bad apples in the bunch.

    thanks all


  16. Ok, hopefully the server won't zap my reply again. First I understand this is run by volunteers. I also know that there is a lot of things with this particular district and I know I didn't say that when I first made this post. I was trying to not let my first experience with these people running said district,

    which was during the PWD affect my experience with day camp. I went in with an open mind and hoped that it would be a better experince for all involved. However there seems to be an attitiude amongst these people that no matter how nice you are or positive you say things it doesn't seem to matter, it is either taken the wrong way or it is blown off. I have talked to the D.E. and he just says yes thank you for the suggestions and so on. I do attend roundtable also and again its the same people.

    I am not the only one who has noticed this or been frustrated with my district. Many of the people who are working in this district or hold scouting positions are related in some way. So I am sure that has something to do with it.

    I worked my hardest to maintain a happy scout attitude the entire week the last day was nearly impossible due to the behavior of the adults. I just was extremely angry when I found out the camp directors allowed the teenagers attending to the "tag along" group

    to paint on all the volunteer staffs vehicles. I just thought that it was in bad taste and a bad example to be setting at a scout function. There was just so many other things that happened that I just don't care to go into. So no I don't think I really would like to help with any district events headed up by these particular people running things because I don't want to be a part of that type of thing. They made it clear to me a few others we were not part of there "click" and thats fine. I was there to do the best I could for all the boys. There were other parents that were also disgruntled with the lack of information and other things.

    I know I will take this as a learning experience and move on. I will take only the good things that happened and things I learned to better my Pack and boys with.

    I guess its just not what I and several others expected. Again thanks for letting me ramble/vent.













  17. Hi all

    I have been a volunteer leader so far this week at one of our districts day camps. What I have been through so far this week I do not care to repeat anytime soon. I am so frustrated, more by the adults who are in charge of this event than any of the Cub's unruley behavior that has gone on this week. Tomorrow is the last day and it cannot come soon enough.

    So here is what I am wondering. Has anyone been in this situation before where the people in charge of day camp give no meetings prior to camp starting or even having a 15 minute Den Leader go over thing for the day kinda thing or information about policies and procedures regarding dicipline or even what some of the camp activities will be? I guess I was more than shocked to be told stuff after the fact or that such and such was not supposed to be done in a certain manner or no boys cannot sit out of certain activites even if they are misbehaving.

    I know we are supposed to "Be Prepared" but I kinda think that in order to be prepared you have to have some planning, particularly for the the people who will be taking care/charge of these Cub's all day.

    I have my 3 sons with me as they are all scouts, they were VERY disappointed with their first experience at Day Camp. I hope I can make it through tomorrow. Your thoughts and experiences in this area are more than appreciated.




    one other thing that is really bothering me is this. How would ya'all feel if you dropped your kids off at Day Camp for 9 hours with hopefully breakfast and a bagged lunch and find out that the only snacks being served were one bag of chips each at the late part of the day?


  18. I recently bought a few shirts from a second hand store and ran into the "sticky" situation. After I removed the patch I sprayed some WD40 and let it sit. Then I was able to scrap off the sticky stuff and wash the shirt with no residue left behind




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