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Everything posted by 5scouthouse

  1. Scout physicals drive me crazy as a parent. We have to get the physicals every spring or summer for fall sports and Scout camp. The problem is that our insurance wouldn't pay anything unless the physical was at least a year later than the previous one. Getting an appointment usually meant that the date of the physical was moved a week or two later every year. Last year, we couldn't get the physical until just days before summer camp. Our troop doesn't mind as long as they know we'll be bringing the completed form during check-in. We went ahead and made the appointment for this year and i
  2. I was really disappointed when I saw the new program. I'm a Tiger Den leader and I'm already doing what this program is trying to do and I use the current Program Helps to add more fun. All of my Tigers will be getting rank this month at Blue and Gold and I have another boy who wants to transfer into my den from another local Pack. It's possible to make just about any requirement into a fun group game, activity, or field trip! I hope they don't stop publishing the Program Helps because that would actually give me *less* resources to help me get boys advancing while still having fun.
  3. Pulling the cord through the bottom bead usually works, but sometimes it pulls out. If you still have problems, you can do what I did. I went to a craft store and bought a roll of leather cord, cut it to size and gave it to each of the boys. It's a little harder to slide the beads on the cord, but we haven't had a single lost bead all year.
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