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Everything posted by tma-1

  1. BPwannabe, I think you hit it on the head when you said "the program is designed for little boys. It works. Girl scouts are designed for little girls. It works too." The programs in the UK and Australia are coed, and I'm sure they work very well mainly because they are *designed* as coed programs. I've never read any
  2. I've done both - Den Meeting at the church (the chartering organization) and Den Meeting in my home. Both settings have their advantages. When I'm meeting at the church, I have an incredible amount of space, unlimited seating, adequate classroom-style lighting, and contact with the other den leaders. When meeting at home, I have a comfortable setting, I'm always on time, and I have ALL OF MY STUFF! I bounce between the two settings as needed by my program for the night. Making placemats for Blue-and-Gold? Church setting - they have lots of long tables that are built to handle glue
  3. Some people have made excellent points about the lack of insurance coverage for improperly-registered youth, and I agree with them. Cub Scouting is an *active* program, so us volunteer leaders need all the protection we can get (especially since we're all broke from buying our uniforms!) However, I'd like to highlight another reason why it's bad mojo to have a girl in Cub Scouts - it's not designed for them! The BSA has paid a lot of money to a lot of people who have a lot of letters behind their names to develop a quality, challenging, and age-appropriate program for BOYS. One loo
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