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Posts posted by TexasAkela161

  1. and as a follow-up,

    would it be against the rules or otherwise inadvisable to let them attend our meetings FOR A SHORT TIME (Stressed) as open-ended guests. To make sure the seed of scouting is planted, and to keep them off the streets? As long as they follow our rules. I am just so frightened at the prospect of losing any boy.

    I'm normally a very by-the-book leader. But have never faced having to turn away anyone. (I know, I know, I should have faith that we WILL get these boys in a troop!!)

  2. I have a similar issue with having a new group of 3 boys that have begun to visit our Pack. Each of these boys are 11 years old, and obviously should be introduced into a troop to be ready for the fall. The problem, however, is that each of these boys come from lower income single parent dysfunctional homes, and in 2 cases, are high-risk and have even had run-ins with the law. The only reason they have been attending our webelos meetings, is that one of the boy's grandmothers attends a church meeting on the same night as ours. We have had a talk with the grandmother, and she says that there is no other way to get them to any other location on any other night. These boys have been a bit of a discipline problem in the few weeks that they have been coming as well. And I don't think we have the remotest shot at parental involvement. Up until this point, I have had the pleasure and easy job of dealing with almost non-existant behavioral problems, and a phenomenal supporting cast of eager and helpful parents. I know this situation is probably a no-brainer, but I feel that this may be the only shot we have at reaching these boys. Obviously I wouldn't let it get so far that trying to help these guys would ruin the program for the rest of the boys. But I just can't see letting these boys (who definitely need it the most) fall through the cracks.


    so to sum it up,

    A) They're probably too old for our pack and should be in a troop (Which I fear may never happen)

    B) They have no background of discipline and have been disruptive(Which scouts is DEFINITELY a remedy for)

    C) Not to mention that I have no idea how we are going to get these boys legitimately registered!! (we have the ability to scholarship, but have had no experience with drop-off kids and the parents appear to just not care!)


    Sorry this was long and rambling, but any HELP(!!!) at all would be appreciated!!!!! I will be bringing this up at my district roundtable as well for solutions.

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