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Everything posted by svendzoid

  1. ...Yes but is there an age restriction for members of an executive board?
  2. I was wondering what the National BSA policy is on who can serve on a councils executive board? Is there an age limit?? Any answers would be great. If you can provide actual documents or websites with information that would be great, or at least site where your information came from. Thank you!
  3. This issue has made the front page of a local paper. To view the article please go here: http://www.eagletribune.com/punews/local_story_058013513.html
  4. Eamonn ---- Thank you for your views! And yes your name would mean the world to this cause! As now we have redirected ourselves to not only save Camp Onway, but to also ensure that no other Camp in the council is sold. You might not know all the details, however if you feel strongly about saving a camp then I would ask you to sign the petition. Our voices are many. Our mission is clear. Our message is strong. Remember our Past. Preserve Our Future. Beavah --- Your input is greatly appreciated. I am sending a copy of your post to the "leader" of the Save Our Camps campaign. I hope we
  5. (This message has been edited by svendzoid)
  6. I can assure you that I am an eagle scout, who is currently an assistant scoutmaster. I am also in my sophomore year of college, and am in no way shape or form a part of a council scheme. I am merely a scouter who wishes to raise awareness to the fact that numerous scout camps (including Onway) are being sold, which in turn is damaging the scouting program. I recognize that the Mormon church is actively involved in scouts. However they have expressed that they wish to turn this camp in to a Girls religious camp, not preserve it as a boy scout camp. (this was reported by our council
  7. I also sent you a message local1400, Hi, thanks for your concern. The ycc has decided to sell onway (well will vote on march 22) because of a recommendation by the properties studies committee which determined that out of the three camps the ycc owns, (Wah-tut-ca, Onway, lone tree...Lone tree is the only camp located within the council boarders!) Onway was the best one to sell. ( you can view the report at www.savecamponway.com , look on the left hand side menu bar thing) it basically comes down to attendance which has decreased at onway, but so have the number of weeks it has been open!
  8. I hear you!! And the "savecamponway.com" group is doing much more then a petition to save the camp. The petition is merely a way for those who don't have a say, (like the general public) to show some support. I agree with the chartered organizations, however the Exec board already stated that the chartered representatives can't vote! It is hard to change this, but the chartered organizations are aware of the situation. However when it comes down to it it is the boy scouts who are really being affected by this sale, and it is sad that they have no say in what happens. Thanks for your comments!
  9. Hello All, Camp Onway, a Boy Scout camp that has been in operation since 1929 as part of the Yankee Clipper Council, is about to be sold. This is wrong and detrimental to the scouting program! I ask that you visit http://www.savecamponway.com and sign the petition to save the camp. The Yankee Clipper Councils executive board is planning to vote on selling the camp on March 22. Please help us preserve a scouting treasure for our council. You can also email your Name and where your from to Matt_Augeri@comcast.net and tell him to add it to the petition. Please help us in our endeavor to sav
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