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About smt75

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    Junior Member
  1. Congrats! ASM84 and SPOTTEDBEAR! That is what I think earning Eagle is all about. I think that sometimes there might be a pushy parent, but we never know. My son earned his Eagle at the age of 13. I was not pushy, but I was there for him. He made his decisions on what he wanted to do, my wife and I supported him. Since earning his Eagle he has helped his Troop in many ways. He is a strong boy leader. He has the opportunity to appreciate his Eagle rank. He is now 17 and will be aging out soon as a boy. His skills learned and earned as a boy has helped him in many ways. If he was stopped from ea
  2. I am glad to see other people that don't believe that National has cheapened the Eagle rank. Yes the requirements have changed over the years but mostly the the betterment of scouting or to bring us into a more modern era. Many of the required badges have changed with some of them being eliminated as required badges. The first one that comes to mind is the Cooking merit badge. It is no longer required for Eagle like it was for me. Many people believe that it should be still required. That could be a good argument. If you have noticed National has addressed that argment by changing the cooking
  3. I keep hearing everybody say that "National" has cheapened the Eagle rank by making it easier for boys to earn the Eagle rank. How specifically has National cheapened the requirements? How are they easier? What has changed since I earned my Eagle Rank over 30 years ago? The only thing that I have seen is that the requirement that a scout must have service to the troop for a year before he could be considered for Star rank. If my math is correct, adding 4 months for star, 6 months for life and 6 months for eagle adds up to 1 year and 4 months plus 1 year for First Class that gives you 2 years p
  4. I don't think that the boys of this generation is that much more intellegent than the other ones. I do believe several things, one being that they have much more oppertunity to achieve a rank. The comment about the 60's brings back memories. It was much harder for us to earn the eagle rank than it is now, not because they changed the requirements but because of the oppertunities that we did not always have in our troop. The Scoutmaster was not able to pass off merit badges per the BSA national. The troops in our area only had one or two adults helping us at the time, and one of those was the S
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