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Posts posted by scripter

  1. What small sliver is in Del Mar Va? CCC extends into the North Western part of Cecil County, in which HSR resides in.

    In fact, The Horseshoe Scout Reservation (containing both Camps Ware and Horseshoe) resides in 2 states, 3 counties, and a bunch of townships, I think 7 or 8.

    Their web site is http://hsr.octoraro22.org/

    The hsr-bsa.org site is for winter camp, ran by the Ranger. I wouldn't use hsr-bsa for contact in reference to summer camp.

    The Council Web Site is at http://www.cccbsa.org/


    As for camping at Horseshoe, I don't know much other than it's deep in tradition. Probably most notibly the marching at retreat. It's a traditional Boy Scout camp, they do have a COPE course, a boat dock on the Octoraro Creek for canoeing and rowing, pool, new scout program, biking, and more. See their web site for more info.

    I think it books early, and may even be hard to get in. If it is, Camp Ware is right on the other side of the river. It's a smaller camp, but offers a traditional Boy Scout program. Excellent if you have a younger troop.


  2. Thanks for your help!

    We decided to go to Smoke Rise Ranch, in southern Ohio ( http://www.smokeriseranch.com/ ). This was one of the few places willing to work with us. The only other place to really work with us was out in Colorado, I don't know the name of it. It's not cheap, we're looking at like 635 for the week, plus we need to buy our own food. The only downside to it imo is there is a lot of free time, about a half day daily. We're still working on that though. We will be participating in a cattle drive, working cattle, roping, trail rides with 1 overnight trail ride, barrels and poles, hayride, and bon fire. The place also has a pool, and locations for fishing. We're setting up a custom program, and we can rearrange our schedule and such as we see fit. Plus we're charged by the hour for the horse time, so we can add or remove time on the horse.


    The runner up was Mountain Trail Horse Center ( http://www.mountaintrailhorse.com/ )in Wellsboro, PA. This trip was going to be a rough, no frills trail ride. We rode out, set up camp, and each day got on the horse at about 10am and got back between 4-5pm daily. We decided, although cheaper, we rather have a variety of programs, take it easy on the trail rides, and this place didn't provide anything other than a horse and a guide - no food, no water, no facilities.


    The BSA programs we found were anything but helpful. We contacted maybe 6-7 that we found, and got information back from 2, if that.


    The Crew decided to do this next summer, in 2006. So we have 6 months of intense fundraising to get about 700 dollars per person raised. It's not going to be easy.(This message has been edited by scripter)

  3. Send some of them this way!

    Id like to have a crew of 20 active Scouts!


    I wouldn't see why you would cap the number of members. As long as you got strong leadership, and support from the adults, and the resources to run the Crew, why would you stop it?


    How are you recruiting these members? Any tips you can offer the rest of us?

  4. THANKS! I'll look into these.


    It seems we've found places in one of three categories. Very nice program, but too far/expensive, has exactly what we want, but is a resort/ we are spectators, no particpation, or the 'perfect' place, but is a short program, an outpost of sorts to a traditional scout program.


    I did find one in Tenn, waiting on information on them. And Ohio is on the list as well.


    Thanks for your help.

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