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About ScoutLab4U

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    Junior Member
  1. Thank you all for your responses. It gives me area to consider. The scout in question was our senior patrol leader until he was verbally abusive to several other scouts. His activities were documented, however, his mother was currently our SM and no action was taken. (She has been asked to step down and a new SM is in place)In March our Board brought in Council to try and resolve these issues. At that time it came out that this scout was also in another troop. I am unsure of the exact date that he joined a third troop. I do know, however, that for summer camp our troop paid $40 for each scout,
  2. Our troop has a scout that is currently listed in 3 troops. This scout is causing numerous behavioral problems. His parents said that they would be leaving our troop and have not actively participated since June.They have however, not done the paperwork to remove him from our roster. Therefore, this scout is still eligible for any financial assistance (for camp, outings,etc) from our troop which he keeps requesting. How can we resolve this issue?
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