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Posts posted by ScootCraft@Shenandoah_Rox

  1. well im from the Stonewall Jackson Area Council, next


    door neighbor to the former R.E. Lee Council in the


    good ol' Shenandoah Valley, Breadbasket of the


    confederacy. Anyway,with the Robert E. Lee Council


    changing its name, most of the people people in SJAC


    wooried about our anme changing. Most of the


    discussions that i have had with District execs, OA


    advisors, and even the Council exec and Council


    President have said that there has been no and there


    will be no discussion about changing the name for a


    loooooooooong time. The Robert E. Lee flaps arent that


    hard to get...everyone ahs bulked up on them and are


    selling them for less than what they are worth...





    o...i ma alos a confederate reenactor and ive been


    reading some of the hisorty stuff posted... slavery was


    not much of an issue...it was more States Rights and


    all that... Also the North and the South evolved very


    differently economically wise and states would have


    wanted out anyways...the slavery thing though is


    crock...Abe Lincoln, the great Emancipator, siad if i


    have to free every slae to keep this nation together i


    will, if i have to continue slavery to keep the nation


    together, then i will" Also, Yankee troops had the


    saying...(excuse the language...but this is one of


    those History not PC things)..."we fight for Uncle Sam


    not Uncle Sambo/ Nigger (ive heard both) Jeffereson


    Davis also had a clause in the CSA government document


    thing about freeing slaves after the end of the war and


    there were numerous blacks who fought for the CSA, just


    because you can still fight for the love of your



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