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Everything posted by RSBollinger

  1. Thank you all for your support! I was referred to a quote in the Scoutmaster's Handbook. On page 120, in the center section in blue, a quote reads "Scouts are expected to complete the current requirements as they are written for ranks, merit badges, and other awards. No requirements may be added or omitted." The quote goes on to talk about exceptions for Scouts with disabilities. I was struck by the direct language here. "... as they are written..." is very clear that no additional writing should take place here, and that a written attendance policy for the sole purpose of advan
  2. Pam, Just a quick comment regarding the activities. Our troop does two car washes per year. We also do one indoor activity, usually a climbing wall. We do very little with the packs in our area. None of the packs are "feeder" packs. Last, any activity that includes an overnight is considered a campout and falls under a different section of the attendance policy. The three sections are (1) Troop Meetings, (2) One Day Activities, (3) and Overnight Campouts. We also don't tend to count Eagle Projects into the activities, that is factored in under service time. Thanks and hope thi
  3. Thanks dan, OldGreyEagle, Eamonn, and Pam! I firmly agree we have too much adult participation right now. I have been an adult leader for 1.5 years with this troop and I am looking for change. I feel a percentage based requirement has too many issues the main problem being that scouts have different requirements depending on how many outings, meetings, and activities are scheduled during the particular time frame. I also feel that the policy violates the National Organizations goal of letting the boys advance at their own rate. Anytime an adult (through policy) tells a scout you must
  4. Ed, Thanks for the input. Unfortunately we have several key adult leaders that feel that a written, extensive policy is needed in order to define what as active scout is and what an inactive scout is. I feel this is harmful to the boys, especially those boys in other activities that sometimes conflict with the Boy Scout schedule. Do you have an opinion regarding this issue? Should there be a written policy? Thanks, Robert
  5. I need some help with Requirement #1 for Star, Life, and Eagle. The requirement reads: Be active in your troop and patrol for at least (X) months as a (Previous Rank) Scout. The big question is what does "active" mean? Currently our troop has an attendance policy that mandates a particular attendance rate during campouts, troop activities, and camping trips if a scout wishes to complete requirement #1 for Star, Life, and Eagle (this would also apply for Eagle Palms Requirement #1). For discussion sake I think it is between 2/3s and 3/4s depending on whether it is a troop meeting, activity,
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