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Posts posted by Rogue391

  1. I agree that some summer camps tend to give the boys the 'camp wave', meaning if the boy shows up at a MB session and does nothing, they still 'earn' the badge. Some badges require a lot of extra work and the scouts have to willing to go the extra mile. SMs and ASMs at camp can visit MB sessions and get an idea of how much (or how little) is actually being accomplished.


    Having just returned from a week at summer camp I have a case in point that is very fresh in my mind. I had 5 scouts taking E. Science at camp. They had to complete their ecosystem requirement before camp and I was required to verify it to the counselor at the first session. They also had four assignments that had to be completed outside of their session time. Four of the five boys completed the MB while the fifth just wouldn't devote the extra time required. In the mean time a senior counselor at camp offered to spend extra evening time with these same 5 boys to work on Cit/World MB. Due to the time they had to spend on E. Science they all decided to pass on the opportunity. They made a wise decision and will contact the counselor when they're ready. I was proud of them, because THEY made the decision, not me or my assistant.


    My biggest peeve about summer camp is boys (and their parents) insisting on taking MB that they are not ready for (ie Shotgun, Waterskiing, Cit/World, Archery, E. Science, Orienteering, Cit/Nation, Chemistry, Atomic Energy....).As camp leaders it is part of our job to approve the MBs our boys are taking, but what do you do when the parents insist 'little Johnny' is ready for a MB when it is clear he is not?

  2. TJ- you'ld be welcome at our fire anytime.

    I have been sitting here reading this thread for a while and just couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer. I have a problem with National's policy concerning homosexuals in scouting. If a leader (either gay or straight) is discussing their sex life in front of scouts- that is the problem, not the leader's actual sexual preference. As a married female leader, is it any more moral for me to talk about what goes on in the privacy of my own bedroom than it is for TJ. I think not- what is private should stay that way. Being gay should not be equated with being a pedophile and National's stance sure comes across that way. I guess no one reading these posts watches South Park- National should take a hint.

  3. I am a female leader with multiple ear piercings. When camping I wear small post earrings and usually have my hair pulled up so the boys obviously know. When I was a cub leader I would not let the boys camp with earrings due to their 'high'activity level. Now as boy scouts I think they're old enough to show good sense and know what would be too much of a risk to wear camping (ie hoops). As far as the message they might send with an ear piercing... My 16 yr old has his ear pierced and is currently acting as a JASM and troop guide, is a project away from Eagle, is the OA Chapter chief for our district and will be spending his third summer on camp staff this year. This same boy also had a 'sort of' mohawk 2 years ago. I feel that we should choose our battles carefully and please, folks- look beyond the wrapper.

    As far as the baggy pants- we do have the boys pull them up to the waist at scout activities. We explained that we have no desire to see their boxers! That sure did the trick!

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