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Everything posted by RMV

  1. I love the Scout Bucks. In actuality, if the Council is using the trails end prize package, the cost of the bucks is better for the council than the cost of the prize. You don't have to worry about a prize being back ordered or discontinued. One we pay for up front (the prize) the other we pay for when you decide to cash in (the bucks). Most people wait till camp to cash in, so you have the money in the bank till the bucks are paid out. A win for everyone. RMV
  2. What makes a great district or council? Might be better for a new thread, but I would love to know what everyones thoughts would be on this. If we could make it great, what would it look like? What would be the first step to make something great? What can we do to make it so more volunteers wanted to be known as district and council Scouters? I am teaching a class in the subject of expanding district volunteerism at a district committee meeting in April. Would love this groups thoughts on the subject. RMV
  3. Here is some logic you can use to help sell a council on this idea of unit only paying the council what they owe them when they close out popcorn. There will be fewer bounced checks from units. Because of the fast turnaround time from getting the popcorn to having to pay the popcorn company for it, the council does have to collect fast, if the units have to collect faster, than often times they are paying before they have collected all the money for the product. The check bounces because the unit doesn't have extra money to cover what they owe in their account. I would bet if you check
  4. I think that quality of programs has a lot to do with tradition as well. If a council is used to having extremely good training or outdoor program, it is easier to recruit good people to help with those areas. When you look at how many volunteers it really takes to run quality programs at all levels, many councils have given up and have recruited people to do two, three and sometimes even four different volunteer positions. There are some vol's that pull this off, but most get burned out and really can't make any of the positions they have agreed to help with rise to the level of being
  5. I think that quality of programs has a lot to do with tradition as well. If a council is used to having extremely good training or outdoor program, it is easier to recruit good people to help with those areas. When you look at how many volunteers it really takes to run quality programs at all levels, many councils have given up and have recruited people to do two, three and sometimes even four different volunteer positions. There are some vol's that pull this off, but most get burned out and really can't make any of the positions they have agreed to help with rise to the level of being
  6. Never thought of myself as a firefighter, but there are times when that is a great description of how I spend my time. Have a couple of fires burning now, no matter what I do there will be a least one volunteer that thinks I have no clue what I am doing. They may be right, but I think that all I can prove is that I looked at the situation and gave them my honest opinion. We are all Scouts here, and should treat each other as such. This goes to something that was said in the Smoozin thread. How can we keep pro's in position for a longer period of time? Sometimes it is too long.
  7. It was meant good! Sure is hard to write with tone, especially with my dry humour. From my meeting with the guy from Cub Scout division, he hasn't heard anything about uniform changes. I asked some of the pro's in my office, none of us like the current shorts either. Our discussion was on how to use the census to do direct mail recruiting. Pretty interesting stuff. For the most part, using the census and a list service company, you can send direct mail to all households within a zip code with a boy age 7-10 living at it. As there are a few schools that won't pass out our f
  8. One of the things I ask a new District Chairman to help me with is helping teach DE's to become business men(or women). They are normally right out of school and don't have the saavy as to how to behave, dress or act in a business setting. Should we get upset with them because of it? Only if we have made sure that they know better. I remember when I started. I graduated on a Saturday, went to work on Monday. One day I am a crazy college student, the next a respected member of the community. It took some time to grasp what kind of life I had signed up for, even though I had been in S
  9. You should look at the "Fun at Every Turn" stuff. It is the current plan sent by National for Cub recruiting. It is very specific in suggesting spring recruiting. The key to make it work well is the Pack leadership inventory. Recruit your leaders first, then it will lessen parent feer in the fall to joining. Will ask how it is going with the spring recruiting. I have had trouble getting units to buy in. RMV
  10. I took a class years ago and had a great time. Well worth the cost. Hiked as a Scout, the highlight of my career as an actual Scout. This summer I have been asked to teach. I too must pay a fee. Can't wait to get back to the ranch! RMV
  11. If you want to know the name and number of the guy you should talk to about this, email me direct. I know him well. I almost moved your way last summer! A few thoughts: In todays market a seven figure gift in endoment gets you about $40,000 per million, if you are lucky. What does it cost to run a council...I don't know. I do know that $40,000 doesn't go as far as I wished it did. But perhaps the real question should be, what do you want the council to do for you? Really, in your situation, I would think you would do most of your business by email and through catalogs. The
  12. Got my Eagle in 76, should answer the he/she question. I miss my socks with garters, but have a feeling they won't be coming back soon. I prefer the over the calf ones in the current version. Anyone tried the new boot socks, look cool, but will they fade to the multitude of colors that the other socks in my drawer seems to be filled with. (20 socks, all different shades of green, I keep thinking that if I just get two or three more pair that perhaps they will fade to match some of the ones I already have.) Really, I haven't heard a word about uniform changes. When they happen, it
  13. Would be happy to sit around your fire! I feel your pain with the high turnover. When a DE leaves I find myself having to train someone else. I know that it takes a year to make them productive, and for that year, all of us will hold our breath to see if they survive and better yet, thrive. The number one reason that most pro's say they quit when they leave is that they didn't realize the number of hours it would take to do the job. All the night meetings and weekends make it tough on family life. Make no mistake, I expect them out there when they are needed. A few rules I h
  14. Here are a few thoughts on some of your specific questions. Does it mean national evaluated the council performance and found it to be satisfactory? No. But it does mean that the council wasn't found to be breaking some major rules in purposful ways. If a council board was to vote for letting youth ride in the back of pick ups, as an example, then the charter could be pulled. I guess this would be the way that National could hammer a Council to follow the rules. I have not heard of this ever happening, but it could. Does it mean the books (money and membership) were audited
  15. Thick skin is in my job description. But you know....I do admit that sometimes we deserve what we get. RMV
  16. Thanks for the welcome! Would put my tenure somewhere in the middle. Been a pro for 17 years. Involved in Scouting since 1969. Read posts on both sides of the issue. Most were fair. I am one of the ones that am on a mission to grow the program. Every life I put at the feet of good volunteers is one that I might have saved or helped. As a servant of youth, it is nice to know that I have been able to make a difference in this world. I would be surprised if more than 10 youth in my council know my name. Because I am a middle manager, most units have no idea that I am out there e
  17. A few thoughts about growth. If we consider this a movement, if we believe that we can change the world, if we believe that every young man would benefit from being a Scout, then why would anyone consider growth anything other than a basic expectation? If the program is of value to a few, imagine how much more value would be gained from having more youth participate. Yes, growth means more money; but it also means that another mind is at the start of the Scouting trail, ready to be shaped by the dedication of so many great volunteers. To say that growth is only about money, would b
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