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About ripmod

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  1. By the way, The New Testament was NOT written in Aramaic. The Old Testament however was originally a collection of letters written in Hebrew (which was a dialect of Aramaic). It was translated by 70 Hebrew Scholars into the language of the day (GREEK) as a commission of the Pharoah Philadelphis Ptolomy for his great Library in Alexandria. This was called the Septuagint. The New Testament was first written in common Greek which was the most wide spread language of the Roman territories. Later translated into the common (vulgar) Latin called the Vulgate by ST Jerome, who was one of the great ear
  2. How come non-Catholics know so much about the Catholic Church? The word Catholic is a Greek word that means Universal. The early Church fathers taught in Greek because Alexander had conquered their territories and Greek became the the language of the people. As most Catholics know, there are many references to the early universal(catholic)Church in the writings and teachings of the disciples. Non-Catholics don't usually bother reading the teachings of the early Church Fathers so they wouldn't have this knowledge, unless they devote themselves to studying the institution of the Church that Ch
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