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Posts posted by 49er

  1. I must admit I am a little surprised about the tone of some of the post on this thread.


    I have two separate shirts for my two main positions in scouting (Scoutmaster and District Commissioner). When I wear the uniform I wear a full scout uniform down to the socks. My SM shirt has CSP, unit numbers, SM position patch, trained strip, quality unit patch and six square knots. I do not wear my climbing instructors patch or a name tag and I normally do not wear temp patches. My DC uniform has CSP, DC position patch, Arrow Head, six knots, OA flap and a name tag. I can not remember ever wearing a temp patch on this uniform. No, I do not wear everything that I can wear on either shirt and try to keep a clean, neat and balanced appearance on both. However, as long as it falls within the guidelines of the uniform guide I do not have a problem with those that wear all their available "bling". (I do not like to see adults that wear numerous quality unit patches or sew temp patches above the right pocket because they can not find room for all their patches.) Yes, this is a program about the boys; however, I have found that most of the scouts enjoy seeing their leaders recognized. Do I rush right out and sew on every new knot the day after I receive it? No. However, many scouts in my troop will notice when I do sew that new knot on and ask about it.


    Do I have a problem with a person who is a registered adult and not in a direct contact position wearing a uniform to a scouting event where others are in uniform? No. If they are they are passionate enough about the program to spend over $100.00 for a full uniform then I appreciate their passion and hope it translates to their position of reasonability.


  2. I love my campaign hatI bought mine two years ago after my first full year as a scoutmaster. I do not wear it to day to day scouting events and activities. At the urging of some of our scouts, I originally bought it to wear at assemblies at summer camp. I must admit was a little hesitant in purchasing it because not many adults in my area wear one and did not want to stick out (or have anyone think I was on an ego trip). However, the scouts in our troop like it when I wear it. In fact I had to turn around on my way to an assembly and go back to my tent once at summer camp this year because my ASPL reminded me I forgot it! Over the past three years the troop has taken to a since of pride in their uniforms, mine included. Yes, I think it is still relevant to scouting. As someone has said it is a definite trademark to scouting. And as someone else said "all I really need is the kids like it" Amen

  3. Our troop wears uniforms 95% of the time. Full Field (Class A) Uniform to and from camp, to and from camporees, to MBUs and other district/council activites and yes normally to and from campouts. They do wear a "full" Class B to and from campouts sometimes in the warmer months. In fact unless they are wearing a bathing suit or hiking in extreme cold they are in some type of uniform. Even on the AT they hiked in the activity (Class B) uniform of troop t-shirt, scout shorts (mainly swithbacks) and even the Thorlo style scout socks. They wear Class B (down to the socks) at camp all week everday and wear Class A to breakfast, supper and to camp wide events. (Yes, some of those shirts could stand up by themseleves at the end of the week.) Most of the 14 and older crowd has kneesocks and wears them to what they consider special events, like parent night at camp and etc. The SPL and PLC came up with this shortly after I took over as scoutmaster on the way to summer camp in an effort to win a spirit award at camp. They have stuck to it ever since then.

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