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Everything posted by regina_dutcher

  1. My statement is not wrong no matter how much people may like to argue. You can't change the requirements or interpret them how you like. Here is the direct quote from A Guide for Merit Badge Counseling published by BSA. "As a merit badge counselor I agree to follow the requirements of the merit badge making no deletions or additions. Have a buddy present with each Scout at all sessions. Renew registration annually if you plan to continue as a merit badge counselor. The scout is expected to meet the requirements as stated--no more and no less. You cannot require more of a scout than state
  2. I don't see where many of you feel that the requirements of a merit badge are open for interpretation by the counselor or the scoutmaster. They are clearly not & if you don't believe it, simply look at the merit badge counselors guide. It expressly states that you may not change, delete or add to any requirements. They must be filled exactly as stated. The camping requirement does not state where the camping must take place. Anyone in any troop who interprets this is wrong and are not abiding by the rules of a merit badge counselor but simply fulfilling their own personal needs.
  3. The requirement does not state whether camping needs to be done with the troop or can be done with your family or other groups. Therefore, you would have to accept all camping (with troop, with family, with other groups of friends). You may not change, add or delete from any requirements. Why some scoutmasters feel they can do this is beyond comprehension. A scout is trustworthy! What kind of message does the scoutmaster send when he insists camping be done with the troop? You have to follow the rules of how the requirement is written is the bottom line & there is NO sp
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