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Everything posted by rclocker

  1. Thanks for the welcome. I realize that this is an acrimonious topic, but it is something very dear to me. I do have a good sense of humor and I'm also very thick skinned. I've been in scouting for 38 years and have held almost every position imaginable. I love scouting more than anything.
  2. Polygamy in no way, shape or form legal in this country. Only the original marriage is recognized from a legal stand point. So they would not reap any of the benefits under the law, i.e. survivor's benefits etc. As for same sex marriages, morally this atrocious and against God's teachings. I believe this country has taken a huge step backward in allowing this in some states. Since the BSA is a private organization, they have every right to refuse membership and/or revoke membership regarding anyone in these situations as well as atheists. The BSA was founded on the principles of God and his te
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