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  1. Reading thru some posts here makes me wonder...Is it just THAT time of year? I see alot of pack troubles and find myself in one as well. I'm not SURE that I'm handling it the rite way so I'll give y'all a chance to chime in and we'll see what shakes out Most of our pack Committee Chair, Cubmaster, Asst CM, Outings Member Sect. to name the ones I can remember will be leaving the Pack for one reason or another after our Crossover next month. It was announced at our first Com. meeting that this would be the case. At that time i mentioned to one of the other members that if no one else wanted the CM or CC position I would be wiling to take it. Since then , of course, it has just been assumed that I was taking CC. There was an incident at a Com Meeting a little bit ago where I kinda ...well more than kinda...lost it. I was making an activity proposal and some of the other members decided to do some very disruptive and disrespectfully things ( I won't go into more detail at this time ) Well, Like I said I lost it. After the meeting I began rethinking the decision of taking on CC responsibilities. After I "cooled down" some and had some time to think calmly I was back to being willing to do CC. So I started looking into just what had to happen, and asked our Council Exec for some advice and direction. Once I had some idea what needed to happen, I approached the present CC and Informed her as to what the next steps were and proposed a possible course of action to ensure a smooth transition. Couple days later, I get a phone call from another member saying that it was pretty sneaky and underhanded going behind everyones back and sending in an Adult Application just TAKING CC, after all there are "other people" interested in the position ( no names would be revealed even tho I asked who a few times )so a sign-up sheet would be placed out at our next Pack Nite. I explained that I had NOT sent in any applications nor had I gone behind ANYONES back, I was getting information so we could have a smooth transition as I was under the impression...for the past 6 months...that no one else wanted the position, but not that there were "others" s sign-up was a GREAT Idea! At this I was informed that "some people" have expressed concern that I may not be thru rite person for the CC job...after the blow up above mentioned. Now again I find myself with time to think...I know, ut-oh! I come to the decision that I don't think I want to be CC. After all some people don't think I'm the rite person.( they could be rite...after all, I can have a temper, I know this...I try my best to control it, but sometimes I just can't) How much resistance am I going to get if I were to win a vote? Do I want to take a position from someone that really wants it? no I don't, if someone wants the position, by all means take it, do the best you can, I'm behind ya 100%. And a few other personal reasons. Pack Nite rolls around, Sign-up sheet is laid out, I am 1st person to sign in for ANY positions. I place my name in concede ration for Advancement, Outings and Sect. NO one signs in for CC, or ACM. one person signs for CM. Now thru some E-mails from friends I'm getting the word that some people think I'm being petty and childish. They are saying that since I couldn't have the position I "wanted" ( which I didn't really WANT, I was WILLING TO DI IT if needed! ) I'm now trying to screw the pack over! I can't believe it! I DON'T put in for a position that some seem to think I'm not the best person for. I DO put in for 2 positions that are a TON of work that no one else wants and I'm still being criticized for my efforts! Ok...Flame suit on! Am I in the wrong here or did I do the rite thing?
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