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Everything posted by raugie

  1. Boy Scout uniforms made by child labor in a communist country? Who cares as long as it costs less.
  2. It used to be that there was an Union label in the right hand shirt pocket. Have they replaced it with "thoughts of Chairman Mao"? People complain about price no matter what. Football cleats, or baseball shoes are so expensive. "Why can't someone just give me everything?" "Can my son just borrow someone elses cup if he is the catcher? It's such a major investment if he doesn't want to stay on the baseball team." Uniforms are never a problem if a boy wants to be in Scouts. Boo-hoo, the price of Miller Light went up, can someone else buy the next round for me?
  3. it's a real message to the boys, do as we say, not as we do. Leadership by example has been relpaced by corporate greed.
  4. One way to offset the high price of Scouting uniforms is to have our Cubs and Scouts work in sweat shops for 12 hours a day so that they may appreciate the "Made in (Red) China" label. http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/04/30/asia/01china.php http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0613/p01s02-woap.html We should replace the American Labor Merit Badge with a new Merit Badge in Hypocrisy Everyone say : Hyp o crite (noun) somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise
  5. When I used to teach the American Labor Merit Badge to our Scouts, I could tell them to reach in their right shirt pocket and find the union label as an example of buying American. What ever happened to LEADERSHIP BY EXAMPLE? Does the BSA support sweat shops and child labor now?
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