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    Bowie, Maryland

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  1. Im a young Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop1009 (age 25). My Scoutmaster has appointed me the liaison between Leaders and Scouts. When I came back to my Troop there were issues with some scouts being withdrawn from the others and other situations where the scouts were not relating to the older adults. Since I have come back, Ive been trying to build that bridge again between scouts and their leaders so far so good. With the withdrawn scout(s), it is critical to watch how we talk to them. For example, you need to step up and lead your troop which could be replaced with I need someone strong and have a great will to lead our troop, can you help me? Words like: need, you, always, etc. are provoking for younger and teenage boys. You need to do this. You always have to etc. Encouraging words like: I know you mentioned you do not like teaching but I understand youre great with leading a group of people I need someone like you to be Troop Guide. A withdrawn scout will look at that as an opportunity and they will also see that they are important because they were called upon. Two former withdrawn scouts in my Troop are very active and leading a healthier social life in scouts. I hope this can help for anyone! Sean
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