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Everything posted by powdersons

  1. For those of you who thought I was advocating trying to convert Scouts to "my religion" let me try again. My comments were directed to adults and intended for adults. The point I was trying to make was that I have the constitutional right to speak of god and religion. As I said in my post, say stop and I will stop because I respect your right to have and practice beliefs different from mine. Unfortunately, for many atheists any mention of god or religion is argued to be a violation their right not to believe. It seems they can only exercise their rights if the rest of do things their way a
  2. Does the BSA discriminate? Yes. Is it a good thing? Yes. As simply as I can put it I respect your right not to believe and once you tell me you have no interest in hearing my reasons why you are wrong I will leave you alone and never mention it again. But, I have the right to believe and you need to respect my right to believe, which includes, in my Christian beleif at least, an obligation to try to show you that you are wrong. I also have the right to raise my children according to what I believe is right. I believe that believing in God is right. BSA is one of the only places whe
  3. Our troop has decided to do a canoe trip in April. We are leaning toward the Colorado somewhere between Hoover Dam and Yuma. I would appreciate hearing where others have gone in the last couple of years and whether you would do it again. I would also be interested in any other highly recommended rivers in California.
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