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Everything posted by pinkpooj

  1. So you must believe/practice any God so as to self-oppress into having "morals"? Anyways, I did make pinewood derby cars, sell pancake supper tickets outside of my local K-Mart, I think that's pretty much it. I also learned the valuable life lesson of how to make a lighter flame three feet high in Boy Scouts (pretty much the only thing I learned)
  2. I was pointing out how the BSA says you have to have belief in a God to have morals, when the Bible has stories like when God kills 42 children because they fun of Elijah's bald head, and the great mathematical story when it is directly implied that Pi is equal to 3. Also, I was pointing out the discrimination of this organization. That story that I didn't say I will now tell. It can be found in Judges 19:22-30. A man and his concubine are wandering the streets. A man with a house lets them stay in his house for the night. Then, a group of men knock at the door and request to rape th
  3. I think that the BSA is totally bigoted, and in spite of this still is shown in a good light. They say that to "be a good citizen" you must believe in their God, in order to have morals, and ethical ideals. So if you're an Atheist (like me) you can't get in. But from reading the Bible, I can easily tell that Christianity and the Bible are totally unethical. In the Bible, Elijah kills forty two innocent children in the name of GOD because they made fun of him for being bald. Sounds pretty "moral" to me. In case any of you would like to verify this story, it can be found in 4 Kings 2:23-24. Anot
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