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Everything posted by Pamedic18

  1. Ok so lets get back to the meat of this issue as opposed to worrying about LDS or any other organization. Lets face it BSA is more apt to go co-ed and develop its own program than to co-mingle with another group. Personally I agree with Bevah and with my wife being a GSUSA unit leader and myself a committee member I have seen first hand the abandon of outdoor skills in their program and those leaders who still have a strong outdoor component being ridiculed. As far as BSA wiping out GSUSA Im not sure if that would happen but there will defiantly be some fierce competition. And don't thing this
  2. asichacker First of all you said that this event was "Inappropriate at best. Dangerous at the worst" How would you say so? If you had read the posts of the user who started the thred you would have known that they obtained the rabbit from a breeder who raises with the intent on selling for food. Althought this is not something well known there are many many people who raise rabbits for taht reason and rabbit is considered healther than chicken. Also im sure the MB instructor did varify that the meat was thoughly cooked. So where is the danger?? Then you claimed it was inappropriate. Remem
  3. question....is it appropiate to wear palms earned on your adult uniform on the eagle knot or are they just for wear on the eagle medal/badge???
  4. New to the forum, just getting back in to scouting after about a 5 year hiatus due to my local council sending a flier out to all the known eagles in the area who were not affiliated with a troop, pack, crew, district, ect. Any way met with the DE had some coffee and I guess I am now a prospective unit comish. Any way trying to get up to date on what I missed and look forward to using some of the info you fine posters provide.
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