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Scouter Dad

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About Scouter Dad

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  1. I had always wondered about the Lion program. In our pack we always welcome younger siblings to come to den meetings and participate. There's been a few issues with siblings distracting the scouts or leader but in general it has worked out well. I have found that even in first grade some of our tigers are a little young for scouting but it's been a blast watching them grow up. I hadn't heard of a pilot pack and what their experiences were but I wondered how well it would work. It must have gone pretty well or they wouldn't have approved it. Too bad my son will be in Boy Scouts by th
  2. I'm a Cubmaster, Webelos Den Leader and a dad of a Webelos 2. I have run into this sort of thing on several occasions and den leaders have asked me what to do in these instances. My first question to them is did they adhere to "Do Your Best"? Sometimes given learning disabilities or family situations call for being a little less stringent when the effort looks to be there. That's been my belief but I have also run into the type of family that doesn't do a thing and expects to get something for no effort. that usually doesn't fly. I hated the Bear year because it was tough to make a t
  3. Every summer as part of our summer activity pin our Cub Scout Pack goes on a family camping trip. We usually get about 20-30 families. This year it is this weekend and the weather calls for showers all weekend with potential thunder storms. Obviously in keeping with the hazardous weather guidelines and training we had to take we will not put the scouts in any danger and we do have a lightning plan as well. This is especially important in light of what happened just north of us in New Hampshire this past weekend where a few dozen scouts were treated because they were in the vicinity of a ligh
  4. Thanks to all the responses you left. I used this page at our last council meeting to present the program and we will vote on it next week. I got much positive feedback and I think we're going to move forward. Our Pack used to do the Sports and Academics program a few years ago but it was dropped when fund raising efforts diminished. I've been able to secure some money from the local K of C and a few bites from other organizations. We also plan to sell ad space in the monthly newsletter to help pay for it. We are going to start the program in January this year and at first will
  5. Thank for your responses. It's good to get a view of this subject outside of our on den leader meetings. I think the big sticking point is going to be where the money comes from. If I am to introduce a program that costs the pack money I'm going to have to tell them how we'll pay for it. It sounds like $30 - $40 per scout is about what it is. I have my work cut out for me because our pack is currently at 95 boys before the fall recruitment drive. Looks like the friends of Pack 22 might be working overtime on this. This is a great forum and I've found some awesome stuff here that
  6. Hi Everyone, I'm a second year leader and a parent of a wolf scout. Last year I learned that our pack tend to do things a little different than what's outlined in the scouting program. The pack is very strong but sometimes for a newbie leader it's hard to figure out how the program works. We have never had a belt loop and pin program and I'm looking into the possibility of starting one. I'm not sure about the costs and how well it goes over as I have never witnessed it before. I'd be interested to know how your pack does it and how the belt loops are paid for. I have many nays
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