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About ndnqueen

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    Junior Member
  1. Thanks to all that responded. I had all those wonderful answers you all gave me already. I just thought I might have missed something somewhere. It must have been a made-up Pack rule, that got passed down. Our Pack is large and our dens usually run 8-10 boys in size. It is a safety back-up for the leaders, so we can make sure the parents aren't using us as a baby sitting service. This way we have to have help. Besides our two deep... However, if we do not have anything in writing we cannot reinforce it. Thanks for everyones help--I just hope it all works out okay. Samantha
  2. Okay--I know it is a wierd title. I think have heard this somewhere before. I have heard that if you are the den leader you cannot be solely responsible for any other scout beside your own child, because you are incharge of your den. Is this correct? Did I learn this or read this somewhere over the past 7 years or did I dream it up? It is the way I have run both my dens. It has worked great for me. haha. Anyway, something has come up. A family campout actually and someone wants to send their son from a lower rank with a higher rank leader to watch him for the weekend. I am sure there
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