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Posts posted by mt_goodrich

  1. Not sure how other councils are, but in the Longhorn Council and in my district in particular, it is a volunteer on the district level that handles FOS. In turn, that person recruits presenters.


    Our FOS Chairperson teaches school by day and a wonder woman by night running our FOS campaign. As one of my Wood Badge ticket items, I got involved in FOS and it truly has been one of the greatest experiences I have had. I volunteered to make presentations and have done five. Cool thing is I was afraid of speaking in front of people, but this has helped me get past that.

  2. Congrats on finishing your second weekend.


    I completed the training part of Wood Badge this past fall (SR-837) and completed all of my ticket items two weeks ago. Submitting my workbook to my TG tomorrow at lunch.


    And I will never forget that song either. When I hear it, I get chills, because it is sung with a bunch of Wood Badgers.

  3. Eagle Class of 1982 from the now defunct "Heart O' Texas " Council (merged in 2002 with Longhorn Council. Troop 222 located on Fort Hood, Texas.


    Currently an ASM and District Training Staff with Santa Fe District, Longhorn Council.

  4. I still have all of my skill awards from back then. My Mom actually saved all of my old Scout stuff and she found them in a box just before Christmas. All of my stuff that I thought had been lost/thrown away, were safely stored away. Talk about lucky.


    Now if she could just find my huge baseball card collection from 1971 thru 1982.

  5. I'm am LDS and my troop is sponsored by an LDS Church.


    True, we do not stay over to Sundays. We usually pack up and head home Saturday afternoon.


    Exceptions to this will be for Summer Camp that is some considerable distance away.


    Last year, we went out of council for summer camp (six hours away). Officially, camp check-in began on Sunday afternoon.


    This is what we did, after getting the appropriate permission from our Bishop:


    Traveled up on Saturday and had pre-arranged with the Summer Camp to stay there. They didn't mind and we performed a couple of service projects (it was to be first week of camp, so we helped set up a couple of camp sites).


    The next morning, we got up and got dressed (full Scout uniform) and attended Church at the local LDS Branch. After the three hours of Church meetings, we traveled back to camp and ate sandwiches.

  6. Was Wood Badge worth it to me? Absolutely. Are there some who shouldn't go? Absolutely.


    I believe I am an experienced Scouter. I never claim to know it all, but I figured I knew enough. I've been a registered Scout and Scouter since 1973. I've been to Philmont. I've been to Northern Tier. Summer Camp staff. Leadership training staff. And to top it off, an Eagle Scout.


    Guess what? I didn't know as much as I thought I did because Wood Badge in the 21st Century is different from the "old" Wood Badge. It is geared more towards goal setting and group dynamics, etc.


    If you go with the right attitude and the willingness to keep an open mind, Wood Badge is very well worth it. I've been invigorated and re-energized. I've stepped outside of my own little world (Asst. SM with a troop) and am now very active with my district.


    I've met guys in my patrol (Bear, of course) who will remain friends for rest of my life.


    Unfortunately, we had a guy in my patrol who pretty much wasted his whole time with Wood Badge. Bad attitude. Didn't like to take instruction/directions and he liked to do things his way. Needless to say, we don't hear from him

  7. Yes..they are high. However, I've been fortunate to get my shirts off of ebay for a substantial reduction in costs. I have two short sleeves and one long sleeve. One short sleeve and the long sleeve are used in my Asst. SM position. The second short sleeve is used in my Unit Commissioner, district training staff positions.

  8. Been involved in Scouting for nearly all of my life. Began as a Cub in 1972 and 35 years later, serving as an Asst. Scoutmaster. One of my proudest moments was earning my Eagle in 1982.


    Hope to gain knowledge from all.

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