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Posts posted by mjlil

  1. AS an adult leade, scoutmaster at the time, I was selected to become an OA adult member. I went through the ordeal, became a member of the Pamala Lodge 211 in the Katahdin Area Council, Maine. Paid my dues, was available but never ever got called on. Two years later I had to move to Illinois due to Scott AFB Maine closing.


    When I got to Illinois, I went to Okaw Valley Council and wanted to help. Not one local troop, council member, or anyone ever contacted me. I became di

  2. Howdy, I just joined this forum and wanted to introduce myself. I currently live in Collinsville, Illinois. My scouting a young boy was in Detroit & Farmington, Michigan. I became a scouting parent with my son from 1979 t0 1987. I movd to Illinois in 1987 due to a closure of Loring AFB, Maine. My son dropped out of scouting and I did too.


    Please my Homepage at: http://mjlil.com/home.html


    and my Scouting website at: http://boyscouts.mjlil.com


    these 2 websites will ex

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