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Everything posted by mermaid

  1. I didn't realize the CO should be more involved than he is. Thanks for that info. What I meant by "belong" was, For the most part families will be involved in the pack for 5 years. So in essence for that 5 years the pack should represent the ideas of the ones involved. A pack should be constantly evolving with the turning over of scouts and parents alike. With every new person a new idea and a new way of doing things is brought to the table. And this is what I meant by belongs. Not in a legal sense. Beacause with out the support of the families the unit dies.
  2. Sctmom, what I meant by supervisory level was a parent can't authorize another parents purchase. A den leader can but can't sign for another den leader and so forth. When it gets to CM must have CC signature and a CC must have the CM signature. For large purchases you need the committees approval. This removes the temtation. This form is unique to us and serves our needs. It might not be needed in other packs and for that you should feel extremly lucky. Our pack shares space with a troop. This particular troops SM (our old CM) feels they are intitled to use our gear (without asking). By the
  3. Bylaws are important. If you want your pack to run smoothly and successfully you NEED a list of what is expected and how to govern such things as finances. I'm not going into specifics but my pack has run into this problem. There was no way that the left hand knew what the right hand was doing. People had been reimbursed twice, or never was there anyone to say i don't think we should purchase that for pack. The CC and the Cubmaster took it upon themselves to make all of the decisions and never once brought it to the committte for a vote. The pack belongs to everybody and the committtee is thei
  4. Men and Women bring different things to the table. What makes a well rounded child is the different views and examples surrounding him/her. I identify with my mother not my father. Not saying that my father was a bad model but, that I am a women and I identify with another women. My point being that, scouting should be of a diversified bunch. Even though I identify with my own gender I do use my fathers exapmles for choosing a mate or other males in my life. So yes you do need both men and women in such organizations that involve children. Not all children will be blessed with good role mode
  5. thanks for the info on the 2 signature checks. While it may not be necessary for the bank, it does provide some security for the pack. What I mean is that it gets rid of the temtation. I have designed a cash reimbursment form and will go into effect immediately. I have deigned it so it requires the purchases signature, the treasurer and the one who authorized the purchase ( which has to be one supervisory level above the purchaser). It also contains a disclaimer (ty). This summer we will be forming bylaws for our pack. I cant thank-you enough for all your information. It really takes the pres
  6. Thanks everyone for the advice. I'll be using alot of your ideas.
  7. As cc I have bumped the cubmaster down to committee member for failure to perform duties. Upon the transition monies had been refunded to him with questionable xeroxed reciepts. All of this had been done without my knowledge. How do I go about solving this issue. I have spoken to my DE and he has skated the issue. The pack is missing items in the inventory too. We have a very distinct problem, our charted organization is no longer functioning and we do not have a unit commissioner. I am new to the position (cc) and have no training, the new CM is fairly green as well and the treasurer as been
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