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Posts posted by manuelsmum

  1. I can't post my topic for some reason, my user name is MANUELSMUM and I live in central Florida, currently an assistant cub master and tiger den leader.



    ok, tonight is a Friends of Scouting meeting and I don't have the uniform yet our pack started 4 weeks ago and though my son has almost all of it I have none of it. I felt a little bit out of place during my BALOO training due to not having my uniform and now i guess everyone will have there's and I'm going to be sticking out like a needle in the hay LOL. any ideas on what I can wear tonight so that i can blend or should I just go professorial looking?

  2. OK I really have to shed some light on this topic due to my husband having been in prison before....I am a Assistant Cub Master, Den Leader, and Committee Chair in my pack. My husband is currently on probation and because he can't not leave the county, he is required to get permission to go to another part of the city. My husband is not a bad person, nor has done anything violate in his past. He works 9-10 hours a day,comes home helps with my son's cub scouting needs and has also has attended camp outs when he's not working. So, I prefer a person with no sexual abuse towards others then someone that made a stupid mistake in his past and has learned and grown from it. So my option would be don't judge anyone prior to knowing what really is going on and put your self in his families shoes for one second before you say no. thank you all for hearing me out. I know there's probably many that disagree and that's fine, I'm entitled to say what I want in the land of the free and so do you.

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